The CopperSpice development team was started by Ansel Sermersheim and Barbara Geller in the San Francisco Bay area of California. We would like to thank the members of the C++ community for their advice, support, and contributions.
There are several people who have helped out and have elected to remain anonymous. Our deepest thanks to everyone for working to make CopperSpice a better open source project.
Members, Friends, and Constructors
The following is a partial list of contributors and developers on the CopperSpice project. There is no order implied in this list. Some contributors are referred to by their Github email and these will be updated upon request.
We encourage anyone who wants to be part of an open source project to contribute to CopperSpice. Feel free to contact our team for more information.
Tim van Deurzen
- Arch Linux support, Network improvements, key developer of CsCrypto library.
Jan Wilmans
- Works very diligently to improve the CopperSpice MSVC tool chain. Currently working on small samples, code review, and VS integration.
Peter Bindels
- Provides input about design choices.
Zbigniew Skowron
- Contributing changes to build CopperSpice with MSVC and testing various corner cases.
de1001 (github)
- An MSVC user who has contributed several pull requests, testing, and providing good suggestions.
hitesh1903 (github)
- Multiple commits helping to improve the project.
Adam Mensel
- Reviewed and improved the CMake build for CopperSpice and applications like DoxyPress which use CopperSpice.
Daniel Pfeifer
- Spent extensive time helping the team understand CMake.
Ivailo Monev
- Contributed the preliminary CMake files for CopperSpice. Many thanks and very much appreciated.
Robin Mills
- Provided lots of great QA and beta testing in the early days. His ability to try things in ways we had not imagined was wonderful and contributed to making CopperSpice and Diamond a lot better. Our thanks and gratitude, enjoy retirement.
Jon Kalb
- Provided encouragement for what the CopperSpice and DoxyPress projects represent for the C++ community
Stephan Bökelmann
- Translation contributions, help with documentation and testing.
Tabea Röthemeyer
- Testing, installation setup.