CopperSpice Overview

The following is a collection of questions and answers from our CopperSpice users.

Question 1:  How do I run the CopperSpice unit test suite?

Answer:  Refer to the following documentation to configure and run the unit testing. Unit Testing

Question 2:  Is there a simple process to convert my Qt header files to CopperSpice syntax?

Answer:  We have a utility called PepperMill which is used one time to convert your existing header files to the CopperSpice syntax.

Refer to PepperMill

For additional information about updating your code refer to our Migration Notes

Question 3:  I am having an issue with overloaded Signals and Slots. What is going on and how do I resolve this?

Answer:  This happens when there are multiple candidates for a given signal or slot method. For information and examples on how to indicate which overload to use refer to the following documentation.

Overloaded Signals & Slots

Question 4:  I was using QString::setNum() and this method seems to be gone. What should I use instead?

Answer:  This should be replaced with QString::number or QStringParser::number. There are a number of methods which were improved or moved to the QStringParser class. A table is provided in our QString documentation which shows the correct replacements.

For example QString::sprintf(...) should be replaced with QStringParser::formatArgs() in CopperSpice.

QString Migration

Question 5:  While using CopperSpice on Windows I would like to have a terminal or console window to display debug and warning messages. Is there a way to add this?

Answer:  If you are using MSVC the console window can be enabled by removing the /subsystem:windows and /entry:mainCRTStartup options from your CMake file.

If you are using MinGW enable the console window by removing the -mwindows library option from your CMake file.