DoxyPress  2.0.0
DoxyPressApp Usage

DoxyPressApp is a GUI application which is used to configure your project file and run DoxyPress.

Passed Parameters

Usage: DoxyPressApp [OPTIONS] [project file name]

- -help

 Shows a list of the options

- -version

 Displays the version of DoxyPressApp

- -convert

 Convert a doxygen project file to DoxyPress format:
 DoxyPressApp  --convert  existing-doxygen-fileName  new-doxypress-fileName

Main Window

There are four tabs in DoxyPressApp.

The Project topics is where the project parameters such as name, description as assigned. The Output and Diagrams topics are listed here for convenience, these tags can also be configured on other tabs.
Build Settings
This tab contains tags for setting up project details such as input file locations, messages, diagrams, etc.
Output Formats
This tab contains tags related to the output formats.
Use the existing project file to run DoxyPress
Configure several options which will be passed to DoxyPress
Syntax highlighting is enabled to show the words Processing, Error and Warning

Menu Options


Standard menu options exist in FILE for creating a new project file, opening an existing project file, and saving a project file. There is also a recently opened project file list which will show the last ten opened project files.


If you have an existing Doxygen configuration file you can easily convert to our JSON DoxyPress project file format. From the Tools Menu select "Convert Doxygen project file to DoxyPress format". Review all of your tag settings, save the file, then use the Run tab to generate your DoxyPress documentation.


Documentation to DoxyPress and DoxyPressApp.