Use the following order for access specifiers.
Private enum declarations should appear before the public section. List constructors first followed by destructors. Methods should appear before data members.
(clang format) Brace wrapping, AfterClass: true
For a struct or enum leave the curly on the declaration line.
(clang format) Brace wrapping, AfterStruct: false
Do not indent the code inside a namespace.
Constructors, destructors, or anything with an initializer list.
(clang format) SplitEmptyFunction: true
(clang format) AfterFunction: false
Declarations and the implementation should have the template parameters on the first line and the function or method name on the next line.
if, else, for, while
Use curly braces even when there is only one line of code in the block. Prefer the "true" block as the first branch of an if.
Use pre-increment and pre-decrement unless the code only works with a post increment/decrement.
A using declaration is preferred instead of a typedef.
Add a default or ensure every case is listed.
Use the fallthrough attribute to indicate the code really should proceed to the next case. This will avoid a compiler warning.
(clang format) IndentCaseLabels: true
If a parameter is not used you can remove the name in the parameter list in the cpp file. Do not remove the name in the class declaration located in a public header because it may be used in the API documentation.
If the variable is used in a branch of an #ifdef use the following code to remove a compiler warning.
(clang format) SpaceAfterCStyleCast: true
Put a space before a star or ampersand and no space after it.
Three spaces. Do not use tabs.
Add exactly one space to the left and right for all binary operators.
If a line of code is more than about 100 to 120 characters, wrap the line and indent six spaces.
Place a blank line at the start of a long or difficult to read block.
(clang format) KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true
Adjust horizontal spacing in bit field declarations.
(clang format) AlignConsecutiveBitFields: true
Required at the end of a class, enum, or struct.
Do not use a semicolon at the closing of a namespace.
Variable names should have a semantic meaning and not be excessively long. Avoid using single letters or names like li or x. For class member variables use "m_" before the rest of the variable name.
Use iter, iter_begin, or iter_end instead of variable names like it.
The variable name "item" should be used in a "range based for" when looping over a container.
It is acceptable to use j or k inside a for loop if the variable meaning is a loop counter and the code is short.
For the return variable name use retval. This is a variable name which should not be used for any other meaning to avoid conflicts.
For copy and move constructors, assignment operators, and swap, use the parameter name other.
Variable names should always start with a lower case letter. If the name contains more than one word, all words after the first word should start with a capital letter.
An exception is for conformance with the STL for names like size_type and const_iterator.
Class names should always start with a capital letter.
Digraphs and trigraphs are sequences of two and three characters in source code which are meant to be treated as if they were single characters. Trigraphs were removed in C++17 and are no longer supported.
Use the operators and not the text alternative.
Operator (correct) | Alternative (avoid) |
&& | and |
&= | and_eq |
& | bitand |
| | bitor |
~ | compl |
! | not |
!= | not_eq |
|| | or |
|= | or_eq |
^ | xor |
^= | xor_eq |
{ | <% |
} | %> |
[ | <: |
] | :> |
# | %: |
## | %:%: |
Whenever possible use a range based for.
Use auto or const auto for the data type when it will improve readability.
Include CopperSpice headers followed by the header <catch2/catch.hpp>.
Use REQUIRE(x) instead of CHECK(x).
The variable being tested should be named data for consistency. If multiple variables are required use data1, data2, and so on.
Place any required support code such as a class or a struct before all unit tests.
For any given class, type trait tests should come first followed by constructor tests. Remaining test cases should be in alphabetical order, unless there is a related group which makes more sense to test together.
The names of test cases should consist of the name of the class in mixed case, followed by the subject of the test in all lowercase. If the subject contains multiple words, separate those words by underscores. Do not use any non-letter symbols in the name of the test. If there are multiple tests for the same subject, use a suffix of _a, _b, and so on.
The unit test name for the assignment operator should be assign. The name for all other operators should be operator_a, operator_b, and so on.