CopperSpice API  1.9.2
Header Files

The header or include files for CopperSpice are provided in two forms. You can include either the all lower case name or the mixed case name.

The lower case file name has a suffix of .h suffix and contains the class definition. The mixed case file name is a forwarding header which simply includes the lower case header file name. Applications can use either file name. For example the file qstringparser.h contains the source code for the class QStringParser. The file QStringParser has one line of code which includes the qstringparser.h file.


The following table shows CsCore header file name changes. To include these headers use the lower case file name.

Obsolete HeaderCurrent Header
#include <Qt> #include <qnamespace.h>
#include <qt.h> #include <qnamespace.h>
#include <QtNamespace> #include <qnamespace.h>
#include <QtAlgorithms> #include <qalgorithms.h>
#include <QtEndian> #include <qendian.h>
#include <QtGlobal> #include <qglobal.h>


The following table shows CsMultimedia header file names changes. Both the mixed case and the lower case file names were changed for improved readability. The lower case file name is the same as the mixed case with the addition of the .h suffix.

Obsolete HeaderCurrent Mixed Case Header
#include <QMediaServiceProviderPlugin> #include <QMediaService_Provider_Plugin>


The following table shows CsNetwork header file names changes. Both the mixed case and the lower case file names were changed for improved readability. The lower case file name is the same as the mixed case with the addition of the .h suffix.

Obsolete HeaderCurrent Mixed Case Header
#include <QNetworkAccessManager> #include <QAccess_Manager>
#include <QNetAccess_Manager>
#include <QAbstractNetworkCache> #include <QAbstract_NetworkCache>
#include <QHttpHeader> #include <QHttp_Header>
#include <QHttpMultiPart> #include <QHttp_MultiPart>
#include <QHttpPart> #include <QHttp_Part>
#include <QNetworkCacheMetaData> #include <QNetwork_CacheMetaData>
#include <QNetworkCookie> #include <QNetwork_Cookie>
#include <QNetworkCookieJar> #include <QNetwork_CookieJar>
#include <QNetworkDiskCache> #include <QNetwork_DiskCache>
#include <QNetworkReply> #include <QNetwork_Reply>
#include <QNetworkRequest> #include <QNetwork_Request>
#include <QSslCertificateExtension> #include <QSslCertificate_Extension>

Library Header Files

The following files each contain a full list of every header file for the given library. These special files are normally used for initial development or a test project. There is no harm in using them in production code, however they will have a slight impact on compile times since more files will be included than usually necessary.

  • qtcore.h
  • qtgui.h
  • qtmultimedia.h
  • qtnetwork.h
  • qtopengl.h
  • qtsql.h
  • qtsvg.h
  • qtwebkit.h
  • qtxmlpatterns.h