CopperSpice API  2.0.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NQPatternistNamespace containing classes and functions required by the QtXmlPatterns library
 NQtConcurrentProvides high-level APIs to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives
 CCsLibraryInfoStructure which provides information related to how CopperSpice was built
 CQAbstractAnimationBase class for all animations
 CQAbstractButtonAbstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
 CQAbstractEventDispatcherInterface to manage the event queue
 CQAbstractFileEngineAbstraction for accessing the file system
 CQAbstractFileEngineHandlerSupports a mechanism to register custom file engines with your application
 CQAbstractFileEngineIteratorIterator interface for custom file engines
 CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItemCommon base for all path items
 CQAbstractItemDelegateUsed to display and edit data items from a model
 CQAbstractItemModelAbstract interface for item model classes
 CQAbstractItemViewBasic functionality for item view classes
 CQAbstractListModelAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models
 CQAbstractMessageHandlerCallback interface for handling messages
 CQAbstractNativeEventFilterProvides an interface for receiving native events, such as MSG or XCB event structs
 CQAbstractNetworkCacheInterface for cache implementations
 CQAbstractPlanarVideoBufferAbstraction for planar video data
 CQAbstractPrintDialogBase implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers
 CQAbstractProxyModelProvides a base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering, or other data processing tasks
 CQAbstractScrollAreaScrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
 CQAbstractSliderInteger value within a range
 CQAbstractSocketProvides the base functionality common to all socket types
 CQAbstractSpinBoxSpinbox and a line edit to display values
 CQAbstractStateBase class for states in a QStateMachine
 CQAbstractTableModelAbstract model that can be subclassed to create table models
 CQAbstractTextDocumentLayoutAn abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocument
 CQAbstractTransitionBase class of transitions between QAbstractState objects
 CQAbstractUriResolverCallback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers
 CQAbstractVideoBufferAbstraction for video data
 CQAbstractVideoFilterRepresents a filter applied to the video frames received by a VideoOutput type
 CQAbstractVideoSurfaceBase class for video presentation surfaces
 CQAbstractXmlNodeModelAbstract base class for modeling non-XML data to look like XML for QXmlQuery
 CQAbstractXmlReceiverCallback interface for transforming the output of a QXmlQuery
 CQAccessibleEnums and static functions relating to accessibility
 CQAccessibleActionInterfaceImplements support for invocable actions in the interface
 CQAccessibleBridgeBase class for accessibility back-ends
 CQAccessibleBridgePluginAbstract base for accessibility bridge plugins
 CQAccessibleEventBase class for accessibility notifications
 CQAccessibleInterfaceDefines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
 CQAccessibleObjectImplements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects
 CQAccessiblePluginAbstract base for accessibility plugins
 CQAccessibleTableCellInterfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interface
 CQAccessibleTableInterfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interface
 CQAccessibleTableModelChangeEventIndicates a change in a table, list, or tree when cells are added or removed
 CQAccessibleTextInterfaceImplements support for text handling
 CQAccessibleValueInterfaceSupport for objects which represent a value
 CQAccessibleWidgetImplements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets
 CQActionStores information about a process or command which can be added to a menu or a toolbar
 CQActionEventEvent that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed
 CQActionGroupGroups actions together
 CQAnimationGroupAbstract base class for groups of animations
 CQApplicationManages the control flow and main settings of a GUI application
 CQAtomicIntPlatform independent atomic operations on integers
 CQAtomicPointerTemplate providing platform independent atomic operations on pointers
 CQAudioBufferCollection of audio samples with a specific format and sample rate
 CQAudioDecoderAllows decoding audio
 CQAudioDecoderControlProvides access to the audio decoding functionality of a QMediaService
 CQAudioDeviceInfoInterface to query audio devices and their functionality
 CQAudioEncoderSettingsSet of audio encoder settings
 CQAudioEncoderSettingsControlProvides access to the settings of a media service that performs audio encoding
 CQAudioFormatStores audio stream parameter information
 CQAudioInputInterface for receiving audio data from an audio input device
 CQAudioInputSelectorControlAudio input selector media control
 CQAudioOutputInterface for sending audio data to an audio output device
 CQAudioOutputSelectorControlAudio output selector media control
 CQAudioProbeAllows monitoring audio being played or recorded
 CQAudioRecorderUsed for the recording of audio
 CQAudioRoleControlProvides control over the audio role of a media object
 CQAuthenticatorAuthentication object
 CQBackingStoreProvides a drawing area for QWindow
 CQBasicTimerTimer events for objects
 CQBitArrayStores an array of bits
 CQBitmapMonochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps
 CQBoxLayoutLines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
 CQBrushDefines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter
 CQBufferQIODevice interface for a QByteArray
 CQButtonGroupContainer to organize groups of button widgets
 CQByteArrayStores a sequence of bytes
 CQCacheUsed to store elements in a cache container
 CQCalendarWidgetMonthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date
 CQCameraInterface for system camera devices
 CQCameraCaptureBufferFormatControlProvides a control for setting the capture buffer format
 CQCameraCaptureDestinationControlControl for setting capture destination
 CQCameraControlAbstract base class for classes which control still cameras or video cameras
 CQCameraExposureProvides an interface for exposure related camera settings
 CQCameraExposureControlAllows controlling camera exposure parameters
 CQCameraFeedbackControlAllows controlling feedback during camera operation
 CQCameraFlashControlAllows controlling a camera's flash
 CQCameraFocusAn interface for focus and zoom related camera settings
 CQCameraFocusControlSupplies control for focusing related camera parameters
 CQCameraFocusZoneProvides information on zones used for autofocusing a camera
 CQCameraImageCaptureUsed for recording media content from a camera device
 CQCameraImageCaptureControlProvides a control interface for image capture services
 CQCameraImageProcessingProvides an interface for image processing related camera settings
 CQCameraImageProcessingControlProvides an abstract class for controlling image processing parameters
 CQCameraInfoProvides general information about camera devices
 CQCameraInfoControlCamera info media control
 CQCameraLocksControlAbstract base class for classes which control still cameras or video cameras
 CQCameraViewfinderProvides a camera viewfinder widget
 CQCameraViewfinderSettingsProvides a set of viewfinder settings
 CQCameraViewfinderSettingsControlProvides an abstract class for controlling camera viewfinder parameters
 CQCameraViewfinderSettingsControl2Provides access to the viewfinder settings of a camera media service
 CQCameraZoomControlSupplies control for optical and digital camera zoom
 CQCharTypedef for the QChar32 class
 CQChar32Implements a 32-bit Unicode code point
 CQCheckBoxCheckbox with a text label
 CQChildEventEvent parameters for child object events
 CQClipboardAccess to the window system clipboard
 CQCloseEventParameters that describe a close event
 CQColorColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values
 CQColorDialogProvides a dialog widget for specifying colors
 CQColormapMaps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values
 CQColumnViewModel/view implementation of a column view
 CQComboBoxCombined button and popup list
 CQCommandLineOptionDefines a possible command-line option
 CQCommandLineParserProvides a way to process command line options
 CQCommandLinkButtonVista style command link button
 CQCommonStyleEncapsulates the common look and feel of a GUI
 CQCompleterCompletions based on an item model
 CQConicalGradientUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush
 CQContextMenuEventParameters that describe a context menu event
 CQContiguousCacheContainer providing a contiguous cache
 CQCoreApplicationImplements an event loop for console applications
 CQCryptographicHashWay to generate cryptographic hashes
 CQCursorMouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
 CQDataStreamSerialization of binary data to a QIODevice
 CQDataWidgetMapperMapping between a section of a data model to widgets
 CQDateStores a calendar date which consists of a month, day, and year
 CQDateEditWidget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
 CQDateTimeStores date and time information
 CQDateTimeEditProvides a widget for editing dates and times
 CQDebugGenerates output for debugging
 CQDebugStateSaverCustom QDebug operators
 CQDesktopServicesProvides methods for accessing common desktop services
 CQDesktopWidgetAccess to screen information on multi-head systems
 CQDialRounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
 CQDialogBase class of dialog windows
 CQDialogButtonBoxA widget which displays buttons in a layout appropriate to the current widget style
 CQDirInformation about a given directory
 CQDirIteratorIterator for directory entrylists
 CQDirModelData model for the local file system
 CQDnsDomainNameRecordStores information about a domain name record
 CQDnsHostAddressRecordStores information about a host address record
 CQDnsLookupDNS lookup
 CQDnsMailExchangeRecordStores information about a DNS MX record
 CQDnsServiceRecordStores information about a DNS SRV record
 CQDnsTextRecordStores information about a DNS TXT record
 CQDockWidgetWidget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window
 CQDomAttrOne attribute of a QDomElement
 CQDomCDATASectionXML CDATA section
 CQDomCharacterDataGeneric string in the DOM
 CQDomCommentXML comment
 CQDomDocumentXML document
 CQDomDocumentFragmentTree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument
 CQDomDocumentTypeRepresentation of the DTD in the document tree
 CQDomElementOne element in the DOM tree
 CQDomEntityXML entity
 CQDomEntityReferenceXML entity reference
 CQDomImplementationInformation about the features of the DOM implementation
 CQDomNamedNodeMapCollection of nodes that can be accessed by name
 CQDomNodeBase class for all the nodes in a DOM tree
 CQDomNodeListList of QDomNode objects
 CQDomNotationXML notation
 CQDomProcessingInstructionXML processing instruction
 CQDomTextText data in the parsed XML document
 CQDoubleSpinBoxSpin box widget that takes doubles
 CQDoubleValidatorRange checking of floating-point numbers
 CQDragSupport for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer
 CQDragEnterEventEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it
 CQDragLeaveEventEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it
 CQDragMoveEventEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress
 CQDropEventEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed
 CQDynamicPropertyChangeEventEvent parameters for dynamic property change events
 CQEasingCurveEasing curves for controlling animation
 CQElapsedTimerFast way to calculate elapsed times
 CQEnableSharedFromThisBase class which provides a QSharedPointer for an existing object
 CQEnterEventParameters that describe an enter event
 CQErrorMessageError message display dialog
 CQEventBase class for all event classes
 CQEventLoopMeans of entering and leaving an event loop
 CQEventTransitionQObject specific transition for events
 CQExplicitlySharedDataPointerPointer to an explicitly shared object
 CQExposeEventEvent parameters for expose events
 CQFileUsed to read and write to an open file
 CQFileDeviceBase class for reading and writing to an open file
 CQFileDialogProvides a dialog which allow the selection of files or directories
 CQFileIconProviderFile icons for the QDirModel and the QFileSystemModel classes
 CQFileInfoInformation about a given file
 CQFileOpenEventEvent that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL
 CQFileSystemModelData model for the local file system
 CQFileSystemWatcherProvides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications
 CQFinalStateFinal state
 CQFlagsProvides a type safe mechanism for representing bitwise-or combinations of enum values
 CQFlatMapTemplate class which uses a vector to implement a sorted map
 CQFlatMapIteratorJava style const iterator for QFlatMap
 CQFocusEventEvent parameters for widget focus events
 CQFocusFrameFocus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area
 CQFontSpecifies a font used for drawing text
 CQFontComboBoxCombobox that lets the user select a font family
 CQFontDatabaseInformation about the fonts available in the underlying window system
 CQFontDialogProvides a dialog widget for selecting a font
 CQFontInfoGeneral information about fonts
 CQFontMetricsFont metrics information
 CQFontMetricsFProvides font metrics information
 CQFormLayoutManages forms of input widgets and their associated labels
 CQFrameBase class for all widgets which can have a frame
 CQFSFileEngineImplements the default file engine
 CQFtpImplementation of the client side of FTP protocol
 CQFusionStyleProvides a modern platform widget style
 CQFutureResult of an asynchronous computation
 CQFutureIteratorJava-style const iterator for QFuture
 CQFutureSynchronizerSimplifies QFuture synchronization
 CQFutureWatcherAllows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots
 CQFutureWatcherBaseBase class for QFutureWatcher
 CQGenericMatrixTemplate class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows
 CQGenericPluginAbstract base class for window-system related plugins
 CQGenericPluginFactoryCreates plugin drivers
 CQGestureGesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input
 CQGestureEventDescription of triggered gestures
 CQGestureRecognizerInfrastructure for gesture recognition
 CQGLBufferFunctions for creating and managing GL buffer objects
 CQGLColormapUsed for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget
 CQGLContextEncapsulates an OpenGL rendering context
 CQGLFormatDisplay format of an OpenGL rendering context
 CQGLFramebufferObjectEncapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CQGLFramebufferObjectFormatFormat of an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CQGLFunctionsCross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API
 CQGLPixelBufferEncapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer
 CQGLShaderAllows OpenGL shaders to be compiled
 CQGLShaderProgramAllows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used
 CQGLWidgetWidget for rendering OpenGL graphics
 CQGlyphRunDirect access to the internal glyphs in a font
 CQGradientQGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills
 CQGraphicsAnchorAnchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout
 CQGraphicsAnchorLayoutLayout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsBlurEffectBlur effect
 CQGraphicsColorizeEffectColorize effect
 CQGraphicsDropShadowEffectDrop shadow effect
 CQGraphicsEffectBase class for all graphics effects
 CQGraphicsEllipseItemEllipse item which can added to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsGridLayoutGrid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsItemBase class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsItemAnimationSimple animation support for QGraphicsItem
 CQGraphicsItemGroupContainer that treats a group of items as a single item
 CQGraphicsLayoutBase class for all layouts in a Graphics View
 CQGraphicsLayoutItemCan be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts
 CQGraphicsLinearLayoutHorizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsLineItemQGraphicsLineItem class provides a line item you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsObjectBase class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties
 CQGraphicsOpacityEffectOpacity effect
 CQGraphicsPathItemPath item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsPixmapItemPixmap item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsPolygonItemPolygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsProxyWidgetProxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsRectItemRectangle item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsRotationRotation transformation around a given axis
 CQGraphicsScaleScale transformation
 CQGraphicsSceneProvides a surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items
 CQGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventContext menu events in the graphics view system
 CQGraphicsSceneDragDropEventEvents for drag and drop in the graphics view system
 CQGraphicsSceneEventBase class for all graphics view related events
 CQGraphicsSceneHelpEventEvents when a tooltip is requested
 CQGraphicsSceneHoverEventHover events in the graphics view system
 CQGraphicsSceneMouseEventMouse events in the graphics view system
 CQGraphicsSceneMoveEventEvents for widget moving in the graphics view system
 CQGraphicsSceneResizeEventEvents for widget resizing in the graphics view system
 CQGraphicsSceneWheelEventProvides wheel events in the graphics view system
 CQGraphicsSimpleTextItemSimple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSvgItemQGraphicsItem which can be used to render the contents of SVG files
 CQGraphicsTextItemText item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text
 CQGraphicsTransformAbstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems
 CQGraphicsVideoItemGraphics item object which displays video produced by a QMediaObject
 CQGraphicsViewWidget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsWebViewAllows Web content to be added to a GraphicsView
 CQGraphicsWidgetBase class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGridLayoutLays out widgets in a grid
 CQGroupBoxGroup box frame with a title
 CQGtkStyleProvides a widget style rendered by GTK+
 CQHashTemplate class which provides an unordered container of keys and values
 CQHashIteratorJava style const iterator for QHash
 CQHBoxLayoutLines up widgets horizontally
 CQHeaderViewProvides headers for item views
 CQHelpEventIndicates a request for information about a particular widget
 CQHideEventEvent which is sent after a widget is hidden
 CQHistoryStateProvides a means of returning to a previously active substate
 CQHostAddressIP address
 CQHostInfoStatic functions for host name lookups
 CQHoverEventParameters which describe a mouse event
 CQHttpMultiPartRepresents a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP
 CQHttpPartHolds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message
 CQHttpRequestHeaderContains request header information for HTTP
 CQHttpResponseHeaderResponse header information for HTTP
 CQIconScalable icons in different modes and states
 CQIconDragEventIndicates a window icon drag has begun
 CQIconEngineProvides an abstract base class for QIcon renderers
 CQIconEnginePluginProvides an abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins
 CQIdentityProxyModelProxies its source model unmodified
 CQImageRepresents a bit map image
 CQImageEncoderControlProvides access to the settings of a media service that performs image encoding
 CQImageEncoderSettingsProvides a set of image encoder settings
 CQImageIOHandlerDefines the common image I/O interface for all image formats
 CQImageIOPluginDefines an interface for writing an image format plugin
 CQImageReaderFormat independent interface for reading images from files or other devices
 CQImageWriterProvides a format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices
 CQInputDialogSimple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
 CQInputEventBase class for events that describe user input
 CQInputMethodAccess to the active text input method
 CQInputMethodEventParameters for input method events
 CQInputMethodQueryEventEvent sent by the input context to input objects
 CQIntValidatorValidator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
 CQIODeviceBase interface class of all I/O devices
 CQItemDelegateDisplay and editing facilities for data items from a model
 CQItemEditorCreatorThis class makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase
 CQItemEditorCreatorBaseProvides an abstract base class which must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators
 CQItemEditorFactoryWidgets for editing item data in views and delegates
 CQItemSelectionManages information about selected items in a model
 CQItemSelectionModelKeeps track of a view's selected items
 CQItemSelectionRangeManages information about a range of selected items in a model
 CQJsonArrayEncapsulates a JSON array
 CQJsonDocumentProvides a way to read and write JSON documents
 CQJsonObjectEncapsulates a JSON object
 CQJsonParseErrorUsed to report errors during JSON parsing
 CQJsonValueEncapsulates a value in JSON
 CQKeyEventDescribes a key event
 CQKeyEventTransitionTransition for key events
 CQKeySequenceEncapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts
 CQKeySequenceEditAllows the user to specify a QKeySequence
 CQLabelText or image display
 CQLayoutBase class of geometry managers
 CQLayoutItemAbstract item that a QLayout manipulates
 CQLCDNumberDisplays a number with LCD digits
 CQLibraryLoads shared libraries at runtime
 CQLibraryInfoInformation about how CopperSpice was built
 CQLineTwo-dimensional vector using integer precision
 CQLinearGradientUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush
 CQLineEditSingle line text edit widget
 CQLineFTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precision
 CQLinkedListTemplate class which stores values in a linked list
 CQLinkedListIteratorJava style const iterator for QLinkedList
 CQListTemplate class which stores a list of values
 CQListIteratorJava style const iterator for QList and QQueue
 CQListViewProvides a list or icon view onto a model
 CQListWidgetProvides an item based list widget
 CQListWidgetItemItem for use with the QListWidget item view class
 CQLocaleFormats data based on a given language or country
 CQLocalServerLocal socket based server
 CQLocalSocketLocal socket
 CQLockFileLocking between processes using a file
 CQMacCocoaViewContainerProvides a widget for OS X which is used to wrap arbitrary Cocoa views
 CQMacNativeWidgetA class for creating Cocoa native widgets
 CQMacStyleProvides a Max OS X style using the Apple Appearance Manager
 CQMainWindowQMainWindow class provides the main GUI application window
 CQMapTemplate class which provides a sorted container of keys and values
 CQMapIteratorJava style const iterator for QMap
 CQMarginsDefines the four margins of a rectangle
 CQMarginsFDefines the four margins of a rectangle
 CQMatrix2D transformations of a coordinate system
 CQMatrix4x44x4 transformation matrix in 3D space
 CQMdiAreaArea in which MDI windows are displayed
 CQMdiSubWindowSubwindow class for QMdiArea
 CQMediaAudioProbeControlAllows control over probing audio data in media objects
 CQMediaAvailabilityControlSupplies a control for reporting availability of a service
 CQMediaBindableInterfaceBase class for objects extending media objects functionality
 CQMediaContainerControlProvides access to the output container format of a QMediaService
 CQMediaContentProvides access to the resources relating to a media content
 CQMediaControlBase interface for media service controls
 CQMediaGaplessPlaybackControlProvides access to the gapless playback related control of a QMediaService
 CQMediaMetaDataProvides identifiers for meta-data attributes
 CQMediaNetworkAccessControlAllows the setting of the Network Access Point for media related activities
 CQMediaObjectProvides a common base for multimedia objects
 CQMediaPlayerAllows the playing of a media source
 CQMediaPlayerControlProvides access to the media playing functionality of a QMediaService
 CQMediaPlaylistProvides a list of media content to play
 CQMediaRecorderUsed for the recording of media content
 CQMediaRecorderControlProvides access to the recording functionality of a QMediaService
 CQMediaResourceDescription of a media resource
 CQMediaServiceProvides a common base class for media service implementations
 CQMediaServiceCameraInfoInterfaceProvides camera specific information about devices supported by a camera service
 CQMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterfaceInterface identifies the default device used by a media service plugin
 CQMediaServiceFeaturesInterfaceInterface identifies features supported by a media service plugin
 CQMediaServiceProviderPluginProvides an interface for QMediaService plugins
 CQMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterfaceInterface identifies the devices supported by a media service plugin
 CQMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterfaceInterface identifies if a media service plugin supports a media format
 CQMediaStreamsControlMedia stream selection control
 CQMediaTimeIntervalTime interval with integer precision
 CQMediaTimeRangeSet of zero or more disjoint time intervals
 CQMediaVideoProbeControlAllows control over probing video frames in media objects
 CQMenuProvides a menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus
 CQMenuBarHorizontal menu bar
 CQMessageAuthenticationCodeProvides a way to generate hash-based message authentication codes
 CQMessageBoxModal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer
 CQMetaClassInfoAdditional information about a class
 CQMetaDataReaderControlProvides read access to the meta-data of a QMediaService's media
 CQMetaDataWriterControlControls write access to the meta data of a QMediaService's media
 CQMetaEnumProvides meta data about an enumerator
 CQMetaMethodMeta data for a given method
 CQMetaObjectStores meta information about objects
 CQMetaPropertyMeta data about a property
 CQMimeDataContainer for data and the associated MIME type
 CQModelIndexUsed to locate data in a data model
 CQMouseEventParameters that describe a mouse event
 CQMouseEventTransitionTransition for mouse events
 CQMoveEventEvent parameters for move events
 CQMoviePlays movies loaded with QImageReader
 CQMultiHashTemplate class which provides an unordered container of keys and values, allows duplicate keys
 CQMultiHashIteratorJava style const iterator for QMultiHash
 CQMultiMapTemplate class which provides a sorted container of keys and values, allows duplicate keys
 CQMultiMapIteratorJava style const iterator for QMultiMap
 CQMutableFlatMapIteratorJava style non-const iterator for QFlatMap
 CQMutableHashIteratorJava style non-const iterator for QHash
 CQMutableLinkedListIteratorJava style iterator for QLinkedList
 CQMutableListIteratorJava style iterator for QList and QQueue
 CQMutableMapIteratorJava style non-const iterator for QMap
 CQMutableMultiHashIteratorJava style non-const iterator for QMultiHash
 CQMutableMultiMapIteratorJava style non-const iterator for QMultiMap
 CQMutableSetIteratorJava style iterator for QSet
 CQMutableVectorIteratorJava style iterator for QVector and QStack
 CQMutexProvides exclusive access to a block of code by different threads
 CQMutexLockerSimplifies locking and unlocking mutexes
 CQNativeGestureEventParameters that describe a gesture event
 CQNetworkAccessManagerAllows the application to send network requests and receive replies
 CQNetworkAddressEntryStores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address
 CQNetworkCacheMetaDataCache information
 CQNetworkConfigurationClass provides an abstraction of one or more access point configurations
 CQNetworkConfigurationManagerManages the network configurations provided by the system
 CQNetworkCookieClass holds one network cookie
 CQNetworkCookieJarImplements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects
 CQNetworkDiskCacheVery basic disk cache
 CQNetworkInterfaceListing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces
 CQNetworkProxyNetwork layer proxy
 CQNetworkProxyFactoryProvides the ability to select a proxy
 CQNetworkProxyQueryUsed to query the proxy settings for a socket
 CQNetworkReplyData and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager
 CQNetworkRequestHolds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager
 CQNetworkSessionProvides control over the system's access points and enables session management
 CQObjectBase class of all CopperSpice objects
 CQObjectCleanupHandlerWatches the lifetime of multiple QObjects
 CQOffscreenSurfaceOffscreen surface in the underlying platform
 CQOpenGLBufferMethods for creating and managing OpenGL buffer objects
 CQOpenGLContextRepresents a native OpenGL context which is used to render OpenGL content on a QSurface
 CQOpenGLContextGroupGroup of contexts sharing OpenGL resources
 CQOpenGLExtraFunctionsCross platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 API
 CQOpenGLFramebufferObjectEncapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CQOpenGLFunctionsCross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API
 CQOpenGLPaintDeviceEnables painting to an OpenGL context using QPainter
 CQOpenGLShaderProgramAllows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used
 CQOpenGLWidgetWidget for rendering OpenGL graphics
 CQOpenGLWindowSubclass of QWindow used to perform OpenGL painting
 CQPagedPaintDeviceRepresents a paint device which supports multiple pages
 CQPageLayoutDescribes the size, orientation and margins of a page
 CQPageSetupDialogProvides a configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer
 CQPageSizeDescribes information about standard page sizes
 CQPaintDeviceBase class of objects that can be painted
 CQPaintDeviceWindowSubclass of the QWindow class
 CQPaintEngineAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform
 CQPaintEngineStateInformation about the active paint engine's current state
 CQPainterPerforms low level painting operations on widgets and other paint devices
 CQPainterPathContainer for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused
 CQPainterPathStrokerUsed to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path
 CQPaintEventEvent parameters for paint events
 CQPairStores a pair of items
 CQPaletteContains color groups for each widget state
 CQPanGestureDescribes a panning gesture made by the user
 CQParallelAnimationGroupParallel group of animations
 CQPauseAnimationPause for QSequentialAnimationGroup
 CQPdfWriterGenerates a PDF which can be used as a paint device
 CQPenDefines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes
 CQPersistentModelIndexUsed to locate data in a data model
 CQPicturePaint device that records and replays QPainter commands
 CQPictureFormatPluginAbstract base for custom picture format plugins
 CQPictureIOParameters for loading and saving pictures
 CQPinchGestureDescribes a pinch gesture made by the user
 CQPixmapOff-screen image representation which can be used as a paint device
 CQPixmapCacheApplication-wide cache for pixmaps
 CQPlainTextDocumentLayoutImplements a plain text layout for QTextDocument
 CQPlainTextEditWidget which is used to edit and display plain text
 CQPlatformAccessibilityBase class for integrating accessibility backends
 CQPlatformBackingStoreProvides the drawing area for top-level windows
 CQPlatformClipboardProvides an abstraction for the system clipboard
 CQPlatformCursorProvides information about pointer device events and the displayed cursor
 CQPlatformCursorImageProvides a set of graphics intended to be used as cursors
 CQPlatformDialogHelperProvides platform-specific customization of dialogs
 CQPlatformDragAbstraction for drag
 CQPlatformFontDatabaseCustomize how fonts are discovered and how they are rendered
 CQPlatformGraphicsBufferWindow system abstraction for native graphics buffers
 CQPlatformInputContextRepresents the input method dependent data and composing state
 CQPlatformIntegrationEntry point for the WindowSystem specific functionality
 CQPlatformIntegrationPluginProvides access to the gui platform plugin
 CQPlatformMenuAbstract base class for a native menu
 CQPlatformMenuBarAbstract base class for a native menu bar
 CQPlatformMenuItemAbstract base class for a native menu item
 CQPlatformMessageDialogHelperProvides platform-specific customization of message dialogs
 CQPlatformNativeInterfaceProvides an abstraction for retrieving native resource handles
 CQPlatformOffscreenSurfaceAdditional documentation pending
 CQPlatformOpenGLContextProvides an abstraction for native GL contexts
 CQPlatformPixmapProvides an abstraction for native pixmaps
 CQPlatformPrintDeviceProvides access to the print functions on the current platform
 CQPlatformPrinterSupportProvides an abstraction for print support
 CQPlatformScreenProvides an abstraction for visual displays
 CQPlatformServicesProvides the backend for desktop related functionality
 CQPlatformSessionManagerProvides an interface to the platform session management system
 CQPlatformSharedGraphicsCacheAbstraction of a cross-process graphics cache
 CQPlatformSurfaceProvides an abstraction for a surface
 CQPlatformSurfaceEventUsed to notify about native platform surface events
 CQPlatformSystemTrayIconAbstracts the system tray icon
 CQPlatformThemeAllows customizing the UI based on themes
 CQPlatformThemePluginProvides an abstraction for theme plugins
 CQPlatformWindowProvides an abstraction for top level windows
 CQPluginLoaderLoads a plugin at runtime
 CQPointDefines a point in the plane using integer precision
 CQPointerContains a pointer to a QObject
 CQPointFDefines a point in the plane using floating point precision
 CQPolygonVector of points using integer precision
 CQPolygonFVector of points using floating point precision
 CQPrintDialogDialog for specifying the printer's configuration
 CQPrintEngineDefines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem
 CQPrinterPaint device which outputs to a printer
 CQPrinterInfoGives access to information about existing printers
 CQPrintPreviewDialogDialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output
 CQPrintPreviewWidgetWidget for previewing page layouts for printer output
 CQProcessUsed to start external programs and communicate with them
 CQProcessEnvironmentHolds the environment variables that can be passed to a program
 CQProgressBarHorizontal or vertical progress bar
 CQProgressDialogFeedback on the progress of a long running operation
 CQPropertyAnimationAnimates properties
 CQProxyStyleSimplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements
 CQPushButtonProvides a command button widget
 CQQuaternionQuaternion consisting of a vector and scalar
 CQQueueTemplate class which provides a queue
 CQRadialGradientUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush
 CQRadioButtonRadio button with a text label
 CQRadioDataInterfaces to the RDS functionality of the system radio
 CQRadioDataControlProvides access to the RDS functionality of the radio in the QMediaService
 CQRadioTunerProvides an interface to the systems analog radio device
 CQRadioTunerControlTunes the radio of a QMediaService
 CQRasterPaintEngineEnables hardware acceleration of painting operations on Embedded Linux
 CQRasterWindowA class for painting with QPainter on a QWindow
 CQRawFontProvides access to a single physical instance of a given font
 CQReadLockerSimplifies locking and unlocking read and write locks for read access
 CQReadWriteLockRead and write locking
 CQRectDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision
 CQRectFDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision
 CQRecursiveMutexProvides exclusive access to a block of code by different threads
 CQRecursiveMutexLockerSimplifies locking and unlocking mutexes
 CQRegionClip region for a painter
 CQRegularExpressionProvides pattern matching using regular expressions
 CQRegularExpressionMatchProvides the results of matching a QRegularExpression for a given string
 CQRegularExpressionValidatorValidates a string based on a regular expression
 CQResizeEventEvent parameters for resize events
 CQResourceInterface for reading directly from resources
 CQRgba64The QRgba64 struct contains a 64-bit RGB color
 CQRubberBandRectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary
 CQRunnableBase class for all runnable objects
 CQSaveFileInterface for safely writing to files
 CQScopedArrayPointerContains a pointer to a dynamically allocated array
 CQScopedPointerContains a pointer to an object and takes exclusive ownership
 CQScopedValueRollbackQScopedValueRollback class resets a variable to its previous value on destruction
 CQScreenUsed to query screen properties
 CQScrollAreaProvides a way to scroll some other widget
 CQScrollBarVertical or horizontal scroll bar
 CQScrollerEnables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item
 CQScrollerPropertiesStores the settings for a QScroller
 CQScrollEventSent when scrolling
 CQScrollPrepareEventSent in preparation of scrolling
 CQSemaphoreGeneral counting semaphore
 CQSequentialAnimationGroupSequential group of animations
 CQSessionManagerAccess to the session manager
 CQSetTemplate class which provides a set implemented as a hash
 CQSetIteratorJava style const iterator for QSet
 CQSettingsWay to save and restore user or application settings
 CQSharedArrayPointerStores a shared pointer to a dynamically allocated array of objects
 CQSharedDataBase class for shared data objects
 CQSharedDataPointerRepresents a pointer to an implicitly shared object
 CQSharedMemoryAccess to a shared memory segment
 CQSharedPointerStores a pointer to a potentially shared object
 CQShortcutUsed to create keyboard shortcuts
 CQShortcutEventEvent which is generated when the user presses a key combination
 CQShowEventEvent that is sent when a widget is shown
 CQSignalMapperBundles signals from identifiable senders
 CQSignalTransitionTransition based on a signal
 CQSimpleXmlNodeModelProvides default implementation for QAbstractXmlNodeModel
 CQSizeDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision
 CQSizeFDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision
 CQSizeGripResize top level windows
 CQSizePolicyLayout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
 CQSliderVertical or horizontal slider
 CQSocketNotifierSupport for monitoring activity on a file descriptor
 CQSortFilterProxyModelProvides support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view
 CQSoundProvides access to the platform audio facilities
 CQSoundEffectWay to play low latency sound effects
 CQSourceLocationIdentifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column
 CQSpacerItemBlank space in a layout
 CQSpinBoxSpin box widget
 CQSplashScreenSplash screen that can be shown during application startup
 CQSplitterImplements a splitter widget
 CQSplitterHandleHandle functionality of the splitter
 CQSqlDatabaseConnection to a database
 CQSqlDriverAbstract base class for accessing SQL databases
 CQSqlDriverCreatorTemplate class which provides an SQL driver factory for a specific driver type
 CQSqlDriverCreatorBaseBase class for SQL driver factories
 CQSqlDriverPluginAbstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins
 CQSqlErrorProvides SQL database error information
 CQSqlFieldManipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views
 CQSqlIndexFunctions to manipulate and describe database indexes
 CQSqlQueryMeans of executing and manipulating SQL statements
 CQSqlQueryModelRead-only data model for SQL result sets
 CQSqlRecordEncapsulates a database record
 CQSqlRelationStores information about an SQL foreign key
 CQSqlRelationalDelegateDelegate used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel
 CQSqlRelationalTableModelProvides an editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support
 CQSqlResultAbstract interface for accessing data from SQL databases
 CQSqlTableModelProvides an editable data model for a single database table
 CQSslCertificateConvenient API for an X509 certificate
 CQSslCertificateExtensionAPI for accessing the extensions of an X509 certificate
 CQSslCipherSSL cryptographic cipher
 CQSslConfigurationHolds the configuration and state of an SSL connection
 CQSslEllipticCurveRepresents an elliptic curve for use by elliptic-curve cipher algorithms
 CQSslErrorProvides an SSL error
 CQSslKeyInterface for private and public keys
 CQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticatorAuthentication data for pre shared keys (PSK) ciphersuites
 CQSslSocketQSslSocket class provides an SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers
 CQStackTemplate class which provides a stack
 CQStackedLayoutStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
 CQStackedWidgetStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
 CQStandardItemUsed to create an item which is then passed to a QStandardItemModel
 CQStandardItemEditorCreatorProvides the possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase
 CQStandardItemModelUsed to store data as defined by the software model/view paradigm
 CQStandardPathsQStandardPaths class provides methods for accessing standard paths
 CQStateGeneral-purpose state for QStateMachine
 CQStateMachineQStateMachine class provides a hierarchical finite state machine
 CQStaticTextEnables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely
 CQStatusBarHorizontal area for presenting status information
 CQStatusTipEventEvent that is used to show messages in a status bar
 CQStringTypedef for QString8
 CQString16Provides a UTF-16 string class
 CQString8Provides a UTF-8 string class
 CQStringListProvides a container which is optimized for strings
 CQStringListModelImplements a model where the data is a list of strings
 CQStringParserProvides functionality for parsing a string
 CQStringViewString view class
 CQStyleAbstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI
 CQStyledItemDelegateDisplay and editing facilities for data items from a model
 CQStyleFactoryCreates QStyle objects
 CQStyleHintReturnStyle hints which return more than basic data types
 CQStyleHintReturnMaskStyle hints that return a QRegion
 CQStyleHintReturnVariantStyle hints that return a QVariant
 CQStyleHintsPlatform specific hints and settings
 CQStyleOptionStores the parameters used by methods in QStyle
 CQStyleOptionButtonDescribed the parameters for drawing buttons
 CQStyleOptionComboBoxUsed to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox
 CQStyleOptionComplexHolds parameters which are common to all complex controls
 CQStyleOptionDockWidgetUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget
 CQStyleOptionFocusRectContains parameters used when drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle
 CQStyleOptionFrameDescribes the parameters for drawing a frame
 CQStyleOptionGraphicsItemStores parameters used to draw a QGraphicsItem
 CQStyleOptionGroupBoxDescribes the parameters for drawing a group box
 CQStyleOptionHeaderStores parameters for drawing a header
 CQStyleOptionMenuItemUsed when drawing a menu item
 CQStyleOptionProgressBarDescribes the parameters used for drawing a progress bar
 CQStyleOptionRubberBandUsed to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band
 CQStyleOptionSizeGripContains parameters used for drawing a size grip
 CQStyleOptionSliderParameters used for drawing a slider
 CQStyleOptionSpinBoxUsed to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box
 CQStyleOptionTabDescribe the parameters for drawing a tab bar
 CQStyleOptionTabBarBaseBase version, describes the base region of a tab bar
 CQStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameDescribes the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget
 CQStyleOptionTitleBarParameters for drawing a title bar
 CQStyleOptionToolBarUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar
 CQStyleOptionToolBoxDescribes the parameters used to draw a tool box
 CQStyleOptionToolButtonUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button
 CQStyleOptionViewItemBase version, describes the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget
 CQStylePainterUsed for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget
 CQStylePluginAbstract base for custom QStyle plugins
 CQSupportedWritingSystemsUsed when registering fonts with the internal fontdatabase
 CQSurfaceAbstraction of renderable surfaces
 CQSurfaceFormatRepresents the format of a QSurface
 CQSvgGeneratorPaint device that is used to create SVG drawings
 CQSvgRendererUsed to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices
 CQSvgWidgetWidget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files
 CQSwipeGestureDescribes a swipe gesture made by the user
 CQSyntaxHighlighterQSyntaxHighlighter class provides a mechanism for defining highlighting rules
 CQSysInfoQSysInfo provides information about the computer where the application is running
 CQSystemSemaphoreGeneral counting system semaphore
 CQSystemTrayIconIcon for an application in the system tray
 CQtNamespace containing symbols, data types, and identifiers
 CQTabBarTab bar used in tabbed dialogs
 CQTabletEventParameters that describe a Tablet event
 CQTableViewDefault model/view implementation of a table view
 CQTableWidgetItem-based table view with a default model
 CQTableWidgetItemItem for use with the QTableWidget class
 CQTableWidgetSelectionRangeWay to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model
 CQTabWidgetStack of tabbed widgets
 CQTapAndHoldGestureDescribes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user
 CQTapGestureDescribes a tap gesture made by the user
 CQtConcurrentMapHeader providing Concurrent Map and MapReduce
 CQtConcurrentRunA header which supports running functions in separate threads
 CQTcpServerProvides a TCP-based server
 CQTcpSocketTCP socket
 CQTemporaryDirCreates a unique directory for temporary use
 CQTemporaryFileI/O device which operates on temporary files
 CQTextBlockContainer for text fragments in a QTextDocument
 CQTextBlockFormatFormatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument
 CQTextBlockGroupContainer for text blocks within a QTextDocument
 CQTextBlockUserDataUsed to associate custom data with blocks of text
 CQTextBoundaryFinderProvides a way of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string
 CQTextBrowserRich text browser with hypertext navigation
 CQTextCharFormatFormatting information for characters in a QTextDocument
 CQTextCodecConverts between text encodings and QString
 CQTextCodecPluginAbstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins
 CQTextCursorOffers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments
 CQTextDecoderState-based decoder
 CQTextDocumentHolds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit
 CQTextDocumentFragmentPiece of formatted text from a QTextDocument
 CQTextDocumentWriterProvides a format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices
 CQTextEditWidget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text
 CQTextEncoderState-based encoder
 CQTextFormatFormatting information for a QTextDocument
 CQTextFragmentHolds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat
 CQTextFrameFrame in a QTextDocument
 CQTextFrameFormatFormatting information for frames in a QTextDocument
 CQTextImageFormatFormatting information for images in a QTextDocument
 CQTextInlineObjectRepresents an inline object in a QTextLayout
 CQTextItemAll the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine
 CQTextLayoutUsed to lay out and render text
 CQTextLengthEncapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument
 CQTextLineLine of text inside a QTextLayout
 CQTextListDecorated list of items in a QTextDocument
 CQTextListFormatFormatting information for lists in a QTextDocument
 CQTextObjectBase class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together
 CQTextObjectInterfaceAllows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocuments
 CQTextOptionDescription of general rich text properties
 CQTextStreamInterface for reading and writing text
 CQTextTableTable in a QTextDocument
 CQTextTableCellProperties of a cell in a QTextTable
 CQTextTableCellFormatFormatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument
 CQTextTableFormatFormatting information for tables in a QTextDocument
 CQThreadPlatform independent way to manage threads
 CQThreadPoolManages a collection of QThreads
 CQThreadStoragePer-thread data storage
 CQTileRulesHolds the rules used to draw a pixmap or image split into segments
 CQTimeStores time information
 CQTimeEditProvides a widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
 CQTimeLineTimeline for controlling animations
 CQTimerProvides repetitive and single-shot timers
 CQTimerEventParameters that describe a timer event
 CQTimeZoneConverts a QDateTime between UTC and local time for a given time zone
 CQToolBarProvides a movable panel that contains a set of controls
 CQToolBoxColumn of tabbed widget items
 CQToolButtonQuick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar
 CQToolTipTool tips (balloon help) for any widget
 CQTouchDeviceDescribes the device from which touch events originate
 CQTouchEventContains parameters that describe a touch event
 CQTransformSpecifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system
 CQTranslatorInternationalization support for text output
 CQTreeViewModel/view implementation of a tree view
 CQTreeWidgetTree view that uses a predefined tree model
 CQTreeWidgetItemProvides an item used with the QTreeWidget class
 CQTreeWidgetItemIteratorWay to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance
 CQUdpSocketUDP socket
 CQUndoCommandBase class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack
 CQUndoGroupGroup of QUndoStack objects
 CQUndoStackA stack of QUndoCommand objects
 CQUndoViewDisplays the contents of a QUndoStack
 CQUniqueArrayPointerTypedef for QScopedArrayPointer
 CQUniquePointerTypedef for QScopedPointer
 CQUrlInterface for working with URL syntax
 CQUrlInfoStores information about URLs
 CQUrlQueryProvides a way to manipulate key-value pairs in a URL's query
 CQUuidStores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
 CQValidatorValidation of input text
 CQVariantStores a single value of almost any data type
 CQVariantAnimationProvides an abstract base class for animations
 CQVarLengthArrayLow level variable length array
 CQVBoxLayoutLines up widgets vertically
 CQVectorTemplate class which provides a dynamic or resizable array
 CQVector2DVector or vertex in 2D space
 CQVector3DVector or vertex in 3D space
 CQVector4DRepresents a point or vector in 4D space
 CQVectorIteratorJava style const iterator for QVector and QStack
 CQVersionNumberContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments
 CQVideoDeviceSelectorControlProvides a video device selector media control
 CQVideoEncoderSettingsSet of video encoder settings
 CQVideoEncoderSettingsControlProvides access to the settings of a media service that performs video encoding
 CQVideoFilterRunnableRepresents the implementation of a video filter
 CQVideoFrameRepresentation of a frame of video data
 CQVideoProbeAllows monitoring of video frames being played or recorded
 CQVideoRendererControlRenders video to a QAbstractVideoSurface
 CQVideoSurfaceFormatStream format of a video presentation surface
 CQVideoWidgetProvides a widget which presents video produced by a media object
 CQVideoWidgetControlMedia control which implements a video widget
 CQVideoWindowControlMedia control for rendering video to a window
 CQVulkanDeviceFunctionsProvides cross platform access to the device level core Vulkan API
 CQVulkanExtensionPropertiesRepresents information about a Vulkan extension properties
 CQVulkanFunctionsProvides cross platform access to the instance level core Vulkan API
 CQVulkanInstanceProvides functionality to create a Vulkan instance
 CQVulkanLayerPropertiesRepresents information about a Vulkan layer
 CQVulkanWindowSubclass of QWindow to perform Vulkan rendering
 CQVulkanWindowRendererImplements the application specific rendering logic for a QVulkanWindow
 CQWaitConditionCondition variable for synchronizing threads
 CQWeakPointerStores a weak pointer to a potentially shared object
 CQWebDatabaseAccess to HTML 5 databases created with JavaScript
 CQWebElementConvenient access to DOM elements in a QWebFrame
 CQWebElementCollectionCollection of web elements
 CQWebFrameFrame in a web page
 CQWebHistoryHistory of a QWebPage
 CQWebHistoryInterfaceInterface to implement link history
 CQWebHistoryItemOne item in the history of a QWebPage
 CQWebHitTestResultInformation about the web page content after a hit test
 CQWebInspectorAllows the placement and control of a QWebPage's inspector
 CQWebPageObject to view and edit web documents
 CQWebPluginFactoryUsed to embed custom data types in web pages
 CQWebSecurityOriginDefines a security boundary for web sites
 CQWebSettingsObject to store the settings used by QWebPage and QWebFrame
 CQWebViewWidget that is used to view and edit web documents
 CQWhatsThisUsed to provide a simple help description of a widget
 CQWhatsThisClickedEventEvent that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text
 CQWheelEventParameters that describe a wheel event
 CQWidgetBase class for all user interface controls
 CQWidgetActionUsed to add custom widgets for classes like a QToolbar which support actions
 CQWidgetItemLayout item that represents a widget
 CQWindowRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system
 CQWindowsStyleMicrosoft Windows-like look and feel
 CQWindowStateChangeEventWindow state before a window state change
 CQWindowsVistaStyleProvides a look and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows Vista
 CQWindowsXPStyleMicrosoft Windows XP-like look and feel
 CQWinEventNotifierProvides support for the Windows wait functions
 CQWizardProvides support for wizards
 CQWizardPageBase class for wizard pages
 CQWriteLockerSimplifies locking and unlocking read and write locks for write access
 CQXmlAttributesXML attributes
 CQXmlContentHandlerInterface to report the logical content of XML data
 CQXmlDeclHandlerInterface to report declaration content of XML data
 CQXmlDefaultHandlerDefault implementation of all the XML handler classes
 CQXmlDTDHandlerInterface to report DTD content of XML data
 CQXmlEntityResolverInterface to resolve external entities contained in XML data
 CQXmlErrorHandlerInterface to report errors in XML data
 CQXmlFormatterImplementation of QXmlSerializer for transforming XQuery output into formatted XML
 CQXmlInputSourceInput data for the QXmlReader subclasses
 CQXmlItemEither an XML node or an atomic value
 CQXmlLexicalHandlerInterface to report the lexical content of XML data
 CQXmlLocatorXML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file
 CQXmlNameName of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way
 CQXmlNamePoolTable of shared strings referenced by instances of QXmlName
 CQXmlNamespaceSupportHelper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
 CQXmlNodeModelIndexIdentifies a node in an XML node model subclassed from QAbstractXmlNodeModel
 CQXmlParseExceptionUsed to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface
 CQXmlQueryPerforms XQueries on XML data, or on non-XML data modeled to look like XML
 CQXmlReaderInterface for XML readers
 CQXmlResultItemsIterates through the results of evaluating an XQuery in QXmlQuery
 CQXmlSchemaLoading and validation of a W3C XML Schema
 CQXmlSchemaValidatorValidates XML instance documents against a W3C XML Schema
 CQXmlSerializerAn implementation of QAbstractXmlReceiver for transforming XQuery output into unformatted XML
 CQXmlSimpleReaderImplementation of a simple XML parser
 CQXmlStreamAttributeRepresents a single XML attribute
 CQXmlStreamAttributesVector of QXmlStreamAttribute
 CQXmlStreamEntityDeclarationDTD entity declaration
 CQXmlStreamEntityResolverEntity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader
 CQXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarationNamespace declaration
 CQXmlStreamNotationDeclarationDTD notation declaration
 CQXmlStreamReaderFast parser for reading well formed XML via a simple streaming API
 CQXmlStreamWriterXML writer with a simple streaming API