►NQPatternist | Namespace containing classes and functions required by the QtXmlPatterns library |
CQtXmlPatterns | Provides a translation context & functions for the CsXmlPatterns library |
►NQtConcurrent | Provides high-level APIs to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives |
CException | The QtConcurrent::Exception class provides a base class for exceptions that can transferred across threads |
CUnhandledException | Unhandled exception in a worker thread |
CCsLibraryInfo | Structure which provides information related to how CopperSpice was built |
CQAbstractAnimation | Base class for all animations |
CQAbstractButton | Abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons |
CQAbstractEventDispatcher | Interface to manage the event queue |
►CQAbstractFileEngine | Abstraction for accessing the file system |
CExtensionOption | Provides an extended input argument to QAbstractFileEngine's extension support |
CExtensionReturn | Provides an extended output argument to QAbstractFileEngine's extension support |
CMapExtensionOption | Indicates a file engine supports the map() method |
CMapExtensionReturn | Indicates a file engine which supports returning an address from the map() method |
CUnMapExtensionOption | Indicates a file engine supports the unmap() method |
CQAbstractFileEngineHandler | Supports a mechanism to register custom file engines with your application |
CQAbstractFileEngineIterator | Iterator interface for custom file engines |
CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem | Common base for all path items |
CQAbstractItemDelegate | Used to display and edit data items from a model |
CQAbstractItemModel | Abstract interface for item model classes |
CQAbstractItemView | Basic functionality for item view classes |
CQAbstractListModel | Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models |
CQAbstractMessageHandler | Callback interface for handling messages |
CQAbstractNativeEventFilter | Provides an interface for receiving native events, such as MSG or XCB event structs |
CQAbstractNetworkCache | Interface for cache implementations |
CQAbstractPlanarVideoBuffer | Abstraction for planar video data |
CQAbstractPrintDialog | Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers |
CQAbstractProxyModel | Provides a base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering, or other data processing tasks |
CQAbstractScrollArea | Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars |
CQAbstractSlider | Integer value within a range |
CQAbstractSocket | Provides the base functionality common to all socket types |
CQAbstractSpinBox | Spinbox and a line edit to display values |
CQAbstractState | Base class for states in a QStateMachine |
CQAbstractTableModel | Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models |
►CQAbstractTextDocumentLayout | An abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocument |
CPaintContext | A nested class which defines the parameters used when painting a document layout |
CSelection | A nested class which defines the parameters of a document selection |
CQAbstractTransition | Base class of transitions between QAbstractState objects |
CQAbstractUriResolver | Callback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers |
CQAbstractVideoBuffer | Abstraction for video data |
CQAbstractVideoFilter | Represents a filter applied to the video frames received by a VideoOutput type |
CQAbstractVideoSurface | Base class for video presentation surfaces |
CQAbstractXmlNodeModel | Abstract base class for modeling non-XML data to look like XML for QXmlQuery |
CQAbstractXmlReceiver | Callback interface for transforming the output of a QXmlQuery |
►CQAccessible | Enums and static functions relating to accessibility |
CState | Structure which defines bit flags that indicate the state of an accessible object |
CQAccessibleActionInterface | Implements support for invocable actions in the interface |
CQAccessibleBridge | Base class for accessibility back-ends |
CQAccessibleBridgePlugin | Abstract base for accessibility bridge plugins |
CQAccessibleEvent | Base class for accessibility notifications |
CQAccessibleInterface | Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects |
CQAccessibleObject | Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects |
CQAccessiblePlugin | Abstract base for accessibility plugins |
CQAccessibleTableCellInterface | Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interface |
CQAccessibleTableInterface | Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interface |
CQAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent | Indicates a change in a table, list, or tree when cells are added or removed |
CQAccessibleTextInterface | Implements support for text handling |
CQAccessibleValueInterface | Support for objects which represent a value |
CQAccessibleWidget | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets |
CQAction | Stores information about a process or command which can be added to a menu or a toolbar |
CQActionEvent | Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed |
CQActionGroup | Groups actions together |
CQAnimationGroup | Abstract base class for groups of animations |
CQApplication | Manages the control flow and main settings of a GUI application |
CQAtomicInt | Platform independent atomic operations on integers |
CQAtomicPointer | Template providing platform independent atomic operations on pointers |
►CQAudioBuffer | Collection of audio samples with a specific format and sample rate |
CStereoFrame | Simple wrapper for a stereo audio frame |
CQAudioDecoder | Allows decoding audio |
CQAudioDecoderControl | Provides access to the audio decoding functionality of a QMediaService |
CQAudioDeviceInfo | Interface to query audio devices and their functionality |
CQAudioEncoderSettings | Set of audio encoder settings |
CQAudioEncoderSettingsControl | Provides access to the settings of a media service that performs audio encoding |
CQAudioFormat | Stores audio stream parameter information |
CQAudioInput | Interface for receiving audio data from an audio input device |
CQAudioInputSelectorControl | Audio input selector media control |
CQAudioOutput | Interface for sending audio data to an audio output device |
CQAudioOutputSelectorControl | Audio output selector media control |
CQAudioProbe | Allows monitoring audio being played or recorded |
CQAudioRecorder | Used for the recording of audio |
CQAudioRoleControl | Provides control over the audio role of a media object |
CQAuthenticator | Authentication object |
CQBackingStore | Provides a drawing area for QWindow |
CQBasicTimer | Timer events for objects |
CQBitArray | Stores an array of bits |
CQBitmap | Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps |
CQBoxLayout | Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically |
CQBrush | Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter |
CQBuffer | QIODevice interface for a QByteArray |
CQButtonGroup | Container to organize groups of button widgets |
CQByteArray | Stores a sequence of bytes |
CQCache | Used to store elements in a cache container |
CQCalendarWidget | Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date |
►CQCamera | Interface for system camera devices |
CFrameRateRange | Represents a range of frame rates as minimum and maximum rate |
CQCameraCaptureBufferFormatControl | Provides a control for setting the capture buffer format |
CQCameraCaptureDestinationControl | Control for setting capture destination |
CQCameraControl | Abstract base class for classes which control still cameras or video cameras |
CQCameraExposure | Provides an interface for exposure related camera settings |
CQCameraExposureControl | Allows controlling camera exposure parameters |
CQCameraFeedbackControl | Allows controlling feedback during camera operation |
CQCameraFlashControl | Allows controlling a camera's flash |
CQCameraFocus | An interface for focus and zoom related camera settings |
CQCameraFocusControl | Supplies control for focusing related camera parameters |
CQCameraFocusZone | Provides information on zones used for autofocusing a camera |
CQCameraImageCapture | Used for recording media content from a camera device |
CQCameraImageCaptureControl | Provides a control interface for image capture services |
CQCameraImageProcessing | Provides an interface for image processing related camera settings |
CQCameraImageProcessingControl | Provides an abstract class for controlling image processing parameters |
CQCameraInfo | Provides general information about camera devices |
CQCameraInfoControl | Camera info media control |
CQCameraLocksControl | Abstract base class for classes which control still cameras or video cameras |
CQCameraViewfinder | Provides a camera viewfinder widget |
CQCameraViewfinderSettings | Provides a set of viewfinder settings |
CQCameraViewfinderSettingsControl | Provides an abstract class for controlling camera viewfinder parameters |
CQCameraViewfinderSettingsControl2 | Provides access to the viewfinder settings of a camera media service |
CQCameraZoomControl | Supplies control for optical and digital camera zoom |
CQChar | Typedef for the QChar32 class |
CQChar32 | Implements a 32-bit Unicode code point |
CQCheckBox | Checkbox with a text label |
CQChildEvent | Event parameters for child object events |
CQClipboard | Access to the window system clipboard |
CQCloseEvent | Parameters that describe a close event |
CQColor | Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values |
CQColorDialog | Provides a dialog widget for specifying colors |
CQColormap | Maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values |
CQColumnView | Model/view implementation of a column view |
CQComboBox | Combined button and popup list |
CQCommandLineOption | Defines a possible command-line option |
CQCommandLineParser | Provides a way to process command line options |
CQCommandLinkButton | Vista style command link button |
CQCommonStyle | Encapsulates the common look and feel of a GUI |
CQCompleter | Completions based on an item model |
CQConicalGradient | Used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush |
CQContextMenuEvent | Parameters that describe a context menu event |
CQContiguousCache | Container providing a contiguous cache |
CQCoreApplication | Implements an event loop for console applications |
CQCryptographicHash | Way to generate cryptographic hashes |
CQCursor | Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape |
CQDataStream | Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice |
CQDataWidgetMapper | Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets |
CQDate | Stores a calendar date which consists of a month, day, and year |
CQDateEdit | Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget |
CQDateTime | Stores date and time information |
CQDateTimeEdit | Provides a widget for editing dates and times |
CQDebug | Generates output for debugging |
CQDebugStateSaver | Custom QDebug operators |
CQDesktopServices | Provides methods for accessing common desktop services |
CQDesktopWidget | Access to screen information on multi-head systems |
CQDial | Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer) |
CQDialog | Base class of dialog windows |
CQDialogButtonBox | A widget which displays buttons in a layout appropriate to the current widget style |
CQDir | Information about a given directory |
CQDirIterator | Iterator for directory entrylists |
CQDirModel | Data model for the local file system |
CQDnsDomainNameRecord | Stores information about a domain name record |
CQDnsHostAddressRecord | Stores information about a host address record |
CQDnsLookup | DNS lookup |
CQDnsMailExchangeRecord | Stores information about a DNS MX record |
CQDnsServiceRecord | Stores information about a DNS SRV record |
CQDnsTextRecord | Stores information about a DNS TXT record |
CQDockWidget | Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window |
CQDomAttr | One attribute of a QDomElement |
CQDomCDATASection | XML CDATA section |
CQDomCharacterData | Generic string in the DOM |
CQDomComment | XML comment |
CQDomDocument | XML document |
CQDomDocumentFragment | Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument |
CQDomDocumentType | Representation of the DTD in the document tree |
CQDomElement | One element in the DOM tree |
CQDomEntity | XML entity |
CQDomEntityReference | XML entity reference |
CQDomImplementation | Information about the features of the DOM implementation |
CQDomNamedNodeMap | Collection of nodes that can be accessed by name |
CQDomNode | Base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree |
CQDomNodeList | List of QDomNode objects |
CQDomNotation | XML notation |
CQDomProcessingInstruction | XML processing instruction |
CQDomText | Text data in the parsed XML document |
CQDoubleSpinBox | Spin box widget that takes doubles |
CQDoubleValidator | Range checking of floating-point numbers |
CQDrag | Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer |
CQDragEnterEvent | Event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it |
CQDragLeaveEvent | Event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it |
CQDragMoveEvent | Event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress |
CQDropEvent | Event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed |
CQDynamicPropertyChangeEvent | Event parameters for dynamic property change events |
CQEasingCurve | Easing curves for controlling animation |
CQElapsedTimer | Fast way to calculate elapsed times |
CQEnableSharedFromThis | Base class which provides a QSharedPointer for an existing object |
CQEnterEvent | Parameters that describe an enter event |
CQErrorMessage | Error message display dialog |
CQEvent | Base class for all event classes |
CQEventLoop | Means of entering and leaving an event loop |
CQEventTransition | QObject specific transition for events |
CQExplicitlySharedDataPointer | Pointer to an explicitly shared object |
CQExposeEvent | Event parameters for expose events |
CQFile | Used to read and write to an open file |
CQFileDevice | Base class for reading and writing to an open file |
CQFileDialog | Provides a dialog which allow the selection of files or directories |
CQFileIconProvider | File icons for the QDirModel and the QFileSystemModel classes |
CQFileInfo | Information about a given file |
CQFileOpenEvent | Event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL |
CQFileSystemModel | Data model for the local file system |
CQFileSystemWatcher | Provides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications |
CQFinalState | Final state |
CQFlags | Provides a type safe mechanism for representing bitwise-or combinations of enum values |
►CQFlatMap | Template class which uses a vector to implement a sorted map |
Cconst_iterator | STL style const iterator for QFlatMap |
Citerator | STL style iterator for QFlatMap |
CQFlatMapIterator | Java style const iterator for QFlatMap |
CQFocusEvent | Event parameters for widget focus events |
CQFocusFrame | Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area |
CQFont | Specifies a font used for drawing text |
CQFontComboBox | Combobox that lets the user select a font family |
CQFontDatabase | Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system |
CQFontDialog | Provides a dialog widget for selecting a font |
CQFontInfo | General information about fonts |
CQFontMetrics | Font metrics information |
CQFontMetricsF | Provides font metrics information |
CQFormLayout | Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels |
CQFrame | Base class for all widgets which can have a frame |
CQFSFileEngine | Implements the default file engine |
CQFtp | Implementation of the client side of FTP protocol |
CQFusionStyle | Provides a modern platform widget style |
►CQFuture | Result of an asynchronous computation |
Cconst_iterator | Implements an STL style const iterator for QFuture |
CQFutureIterator | Java-style const iterator for QFuture |
CQFutureSynchronizer | Simplifies QFuture synchronization |
CQFutureWatcher | Allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots |
CQFutureWatcherBase | Base class for QFutureWatcher |
CQGenericMatrix | Template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows |
CQGenericPlugin | Abstract base class for window-system related plugins |
CQGenericPluginFactory | Creates plugin drivers |
CQGesture | Gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input |
CQGestureEvent | Description of triggered gestures |
CQGestureRecognizer | Infrastructure for gesture recognition |
CQGLBuffer | Functions for creating and managing GL buffer objects |
CQGLColormap | Used for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget |
CQGLContext | Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context |
CQGLFormat | Display format of an OpenGL rendering context |
CQGLFramebufferObject | Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object |
CQGLFramebufferObjectFormat | Format of an OpenGL framebuffer object |
CQGLFunctions | Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API |
CQGLPixelBuffer | Encapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer |
CQGLShader | Allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled |
CQGLShaderProgram | Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used |
CQGLWidget | Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics |
CQGlyphRun | Direct access to the internal glyphs in a font |
CQGradient | QGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills |
CQGraphicsAnchor | Anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout |
CQGraphicsAnchorLayout | Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View |
CQGraphicsBlurEffect | Blur effect |
CQGraphicsColorizeEffect | Colorize effect |
CQGraphicsDropShadowEffect | Drop shadow effect |
CQGraphicsEffect | Base class for all graphics effects |
CQGraphicsEllipseItem | Ellipse item which can added to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsGridLayout | Grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View |
CQGraphicsItem | Base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsItemAnimation | Simple animation support for QGraphicsItem |
CQGraphicsItemGroup | Container that treats a group of items as a single item |
CQGraphicsLayout | Base class for all layouts in a Graphics View |
CQGraphicsLayoutItem | Can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts |
CQGraphicsLinearLayout | Horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View |
CQGraphicsLineItem | QGraphicsLineItem class provides a line item you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsObject | Base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties |
CQGraphicsOpacityEffect | Opacity effect |
CQGraphicsPathItem | Path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsPixmapItem | Pixmap item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsPolygonItem | Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsProxyWidget | Proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsRectItem | Rectangle item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsRotation | Rotation transformation around a given axis |
CQGraphicsScale | Scale transformation |
CQGraphicsScene | Provides a surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items |
CQGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent | Context menu events in the graphics view system |
CQGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | Events for drag and drop in the graphics view system |
CQGraphicsSceneEvent | Base class for all graphics view related events |
CQGraphicsSceneHelpEvent | Events when a tooltip is requested |
CQGraphicsSceneHoverEvent | Hover events in the graphics view system |
CQGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | Mouse events in the graphics view system |
CQGraphicsSceneMoveEvent | Events for widget moving in the graphics view system |
CQGraphicsSceneResizeEvent | Events for widget resizing in the graphics view system |
CQGraphicsSceneWheelEvent | Provides wheel events in the graphics view system |
CQGraphicsSimpleTextItem | Simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsSvgItem | QGraphicsItem which can be used to render the contents of SVG files |
CQGraphicsTextItem | Text item which can be added to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text |
CQGraphicsTransform | Abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems |
CQGraphicsVideoItem | Graphics item object which displays video produced by a QMediaObject |
CQGraphicsView | Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsWebView | Allows Web content to be added to a GraphicsView |
CQGraphicsWidget | Base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene |
CQGridLayout | Lays out widgets in a grid |
CQGroupBox | Group box frame with a title |
CQGtkStyle | Provides a widget style rendered by GTK+ |
►CQHash | Template class which provides an unordered container of keys and values |
Cconst_iterator | STL style const iterator for QHash |
Citerator | STL style non-const iterator for QHash |
CQHashIterator | Java style const iterator for QHash |
CQHBoxLayout | Lines up widgets horizontally |
CQHeaderView | Provides headers for item views |
CQHelpEvent | Indicates a request for information about a particular widget |
CQHideEvent | Event which is sent after a widget is hidden |
CQHistoryState | Provides a means of returning to a previously active substate |
CQHostAddress | IP address |
CQHostInfo | Static functions for host name lookups |
CQHoverEvent | Parameters which describe a mouse event |
CQHttpMultiPart | Represents a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP |
CQHttpPart | Holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message |
CQHttpRequestHeader | Contains request header information for HTTP |
CQHttpResponseHeader | Response header information for HTTP |
CQIcon | Scalable icons in different modes and states |
CQIconDragEvent | Indicates a window icon drag has begun |
►CQIconEngine | Provides an abstract base class for QIcon renderers |
CAvailableSizesArgument | Structure which represents arguments to the virtual_hook() function |
CQIconEnginePlugin | Provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins |
CQIdentityProxyModel | Proxies its source model unmodified |
CQImage | Represents a bit map image |
CQImageEncoderControl | Provides access to the settings of a media service that performs image encoding |
CQImageEncoderSettings | Provides a set of image encoder settings |
CQImageIOHandler | Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats |
CQImageIOPlugin | Defines an interface for writing an image format plugin |
CQImageReader | Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices |
CQImageWriter | Provides a format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices |
CQInputDialog | Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user |
CQInputEvent | Base class for events that describe user input |
CQInputMethod | Access to the active text input method |
►CQInputMethodEvent | Parameters for input method events |
CAttribute | The QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute |
CQInputMethodQueryEvent | Event sent by the input context to input objects |
CQIntValidator | Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range |
CQIODevice | Base interface class of all I/O devices |
CQItemDelegate | Display and editing facilities for data items from a model |
CQItemEditorCreator | This class makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase |
CQItemEditorCreatorBase | Provides an abstract base class which must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators |
CQItemEditorFactory | Widgets for editing item data in views and delegates |
CQItemSelection | Manages information about selected items in a model |
CQItemSelectionModel | Keeps track of a view's selected items |
CQItemSelectionRange | Manages information about a range of selected items in a model |
CQJsonArray | Encapsulates a JSON array |
CQJsonDocument | Provides a way to read and write JSON documents |
CQJsonObject | Encapsulates a JSON object |
CQJsonParseError | Used to report errors during JSON parsing |
CQJsonValue | Encapsulates a value in JSON |
CQKeyEvent | Describes a key event |
CQKeyEventTransition | Transition for key events |
CQKeySequence | Encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts |
CQKeySequenceEdit | Allows the user to specify a QKeySequence |
CQLabel | Text or image display |
CQLayout | Base class of geometry managers |
CQLayoutItem | Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates |
CQLCDNumber | Displays a number with LCD digits |
CQLibrary | Loads shared libraries at runtime |
CQLibraryInfo | Information about how CopperSpice was built |
CQLine | Two-dimensional vector using integer precision |
CQLinearGradient | Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush |
CQLineEdit | Single line text edit widget |
CQLineF | Two-dimensional vector using floating point precision |
►CQLinkedList | Template class which stores values in a linked list |
Cconst_iterator | The QLinkedList::const_iterator class provides an STL const iterator for QLinkedList |
Citerator | The QLinkedList::iterator class provides an STL style iterator for QLinkedList |
CQLinkedListIterator | Java style const iterator for QLinkedList |
►CQList | Template class which stores a list of values |
Cconst_iterator | The QList::const_iterator class provides an STL style const iterator for QList and QQueue |
Citerator | The QList::iterator class provides an STL style iterator for QList and QQueue |
CQListIterator | Java style const iterator for QList and QQueue |
CQListView | Provides a list or icon view onto a model |
CQListWidget | Provides an item based list widget |
CQListWidgetItem | Item for use with the QListWidget item view class |
CQLocale | Formats data based on a given language or country |
CQLocalServer | Local socket based server |
CQLocalSocket | Local socket |
CQLockFile | Locking between processes using a file |
CQMacCocoaViewContainer | Provides a widget for OS X which is used to wrap arbitrary Cocoa views |
CQMacNativeWidget | A class for creating Cocoa native widgets |
CQMacStyle | Provides a Max OS X style using the Apple Appearance Manager |
CQMainWindow | QMainWindow class provides the main GUI application window |
►CQMap | Template class which provides a sorted container of keys and values |
Cconst_iterator | STL style const iterator for QMap |
Citerator | STL style iterator for QMap |
CQMapIterator | Java style const iterator for QMap |
CQMargins | Defines the four margins of a rectangle |
CQMarginsF | Defines the four margins of a rectangle |
CQMatrix | 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
CQMatrix4x4 | 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space |
CQMdiArea | Area in which MDI windows are displayed |
CQMdiSubWindow | Subwindow class for QMdiArea |
CQMediaAudioProbeControl | Allows control over probing audio data in media objects |
CQMediaAvailabilityControl | Supplies a control for reporting availability of a service |
CQMediaBindableInterface | Base class for objects extending media objects functionality |
CQMediaContainerControl | Provides access to the output container format of a QMediaService |
CQMediaContent | Provides access to the resources relating to a media content |
CQMediaControl | Base interface for media service controls |
CQMediaGaplessPlaybackControl | Provides access to the gapless playback related control of a QMediaService |
CQMediaMetaData | Provides identifiers for meta-data attributes |
CQMediaNetworkAccessControl | Allows the setting of the Network Access Point for media related activities |
CQMediaObject | Provides a common base for multimedia objects |
CQMediaPlayer | Allows the playing of a media source |
CQMediaPlayerControl | Provides access to the media playing functionality of a QMediaService |
CQMediaPlaylist | Provides a list of media content to play |
CQMediaRecorder | Used for the recording of media content |
CQMediaRecorderControl | Provides access to the recording functionality of a QMediaService |
CQMediaResource | Description of a media resource |
CQMediaService | Provides a common base class for media service implementations |
CQMediaServiceCameraInfoInterface | Provides camera specific information about devices supported by a camera service |
CQMediaServiceDefaultDeviceInterface | Interface identifies the default device used by a media service plugin |
CQMediaServiceFeaturesInterface | Interface identifies features supported by a media service plugin |
CQMediaServiceProviderPlugin | Provides an interface for QMediaService plugins |
CQMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface | Interface identifies the devices supported by a media service plugin |
CQMediaServiceSupportedFormatsInterface | Interface identifies if a media service plugin supports a media format |
CQMediaStreamsControl | Media stream selection control |
CQMediaTimeInterval | Time interval with integer precision |
CQMediaTimeRange | Set of zero or more disjoint time intervals |
CQMediaVideoProbeControl | Allows control over probing video frames in media objects |
CQMenu | Provides a menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus |
CQMenuBar | Horizontal menu bar |
CQMessageAuthenticationCode | Provides a way to generate hash-based message authentication codes |
CQMessageBox | Modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer |
CQMetaClassInfo | Additional information about a class |
CQMetaDataReaderControl | Provides read access to the meta-data of a QMediaService's media |
CQMetaDataWriterControl | Controls write access to the meta data of a QMediaService's media |
CQMetaEnum | Provides meta data about an enumerator |
CQMetaMethod | Meta data for a given method |
CQMetaObject | Stores meta information about objects |
CQMetaProperty | Meta data about a property |
CQMimeData | Container for data and the associated MIME type |
CQModelIndex | Used to locate data in a data model |
CQMouseEvent | Parameters that describe a mouse event |
CQMouseEventTransition | Transition for mouse events |
CQMoveEvent | Event parameters for move events |
CQMovie | Plays movies loaded with QImageReader |
►CQMultiHash | Template class which provides an unordered container of keys and values, allows duplicate keys |
Cconst_iterator | STL style const iterator for QMultiHash |
Citerator | STL style non-const iterator for QMultiHash |
CQMultiHashIterator | Java style const iterator for QMultiHash |
►CQMultiMap | Template class which provides a sorted container of keys and values, allows duplicate keys |
Cconst_iterator | STL style const iterator for QMultiMap |
Citerator | STL style iterator for QMultiMap |
CQMultiMapIterator | Java style const iterator for QMultiMap |
CQMutableFlatMapIterator | Java style non-const iterator for QFlatMap |
CQMutableHashIterator | Java style non-const iterator for QHash |
CQMutableLinkedListIterator | Java style iterator for QLinkedList |
CQMutableListIterator | Java style iterator for QList and QQueue |
CQMutableMapIterator | Java style non-const iterator for QMap |
CQMutableMultiHashIterator | Java style non-const iterator for QMultiHash |
CQMutableMultiMapIterator | Java style non-const iterator for QMultiMap |
CQMutableSetIterator | Java style iterator for QSet |
CQMutableVectorIterator | Java style iterator for QVector and QStack |
CQMutex | Provides exclusive access to a block of code by different threads |
CQMutexLocker | Simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes |
CQNativeGestureEvent | Parameters that describe a gesture event |
CQNetworkAccessManager | Allows the application to send network requests and receive replies |
CQNetworkAddressEntry | Stores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address |
CQNetworkCacheMetaData | Cache information |
CQNetworkConfiguration | Class provides an abstraction of one or more access point configurations |
CQNetworkConfigurationManager | Manages the network configurations provided by the system |
CQNetworkCookie | Class holds one network cookie |
CQNetworkCookieJar | Implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects |
CQNetworkDiskCache | Very basic disk cache |
CQNetworkInterface | Listing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces |
CQNetworkProxy | Network layer proxy |
CQNetworkProxyFactory | Provides the ability to select a proxy |
CQNetworkProxyQuery | Used to query the proxy settings for a socket |
CQNetworkReply | Data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager |
CQNetworkRequest | Holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager |
CQNetworkSession | Provides control over the system's access points and enables session management |
CQObject | Base class of all CopperSpice objects |
CQObjectCleanupHandler | Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects |
CQOffscreenSurface | Offscreen surface in the underlying platform |
CQOpenGLBuffer | Methods for creating and managing OpenGL buffer objects |
CQOpenGLContext | Represents a native OpenGL context which is used to render OpenGL content on a QSurface |
CQOpenGLContextGroup | Group of contexts sharing OpenGL resources |
CQOpenGLExtraFunctions | Cross platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 API |
CQOpenGLFramebufferObject | Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object |
CQOpenGLFunctions | Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API |
CQOpenGLPaintDevice | Enables painting to an OpenGL context using QPainter |
CQOpenGLShaderProgram | Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used |
CQOpenGLWidget | Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics |
CQOpenGLWindow | Subclass of QWindow used to perform OpenGL painting |
CQPagedPaintDevice | Represents a paint device which supports multiple pages |
CQPageLayout | Describes the size, orientation and margins of a page |
CQPageSetupDialog | Provides a configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer |
CQPageSize | Describes information about standard page sizes |
CQPaintDevice | Base class of objects that can be painted |
CQPaintDeviceWindow | Subclass of the QWindow class |
CQPaintEngine | Abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform |
CQPaintEngineState | Information about the active paint engine's current state |
►CQPainter | Performs low level painting operations on widgets and other paint devices |
CPixmapFragment | A class used in conjunction with QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() to specify how a pixmap is drawn |
►CQPainterPath | Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused |
CElement | Specifies the position and type of a subpath |
CQPainterPathStroker | Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path |
CQPaintEvent | Event parameters for paint events |
CQPair | Stores a pair of items |
CQPalette | Contains color groups for each widget state |
CQPanGesture | Describes a panning gesture made by the user |
CQParallelAnimationGroup | Parallel group of animations |
CQPauseAnimation | Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroup |
CQPdfWriter | Generates a PDF which can be used as a paint device |
CQPen | Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes |
CQPersistentModelIndex | Used to locate data in a data model |
CQPicture | Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands |
CQPictureFormatPlugin | Abstract base for custom picture format plugins |
CQPictureIO | Parameters for loading and saving pictures |
CQPinchGesture | Describes a pinch gesture made by the user |
CQPixmap | Off-screen image representation which can be used as a paint device |
►CQPixmapCache | Application-wide cache for pixmaps |
CKey | Class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCache |
CQPlainTextDocumentLayout | Implements a plain text layout for QTextDocument |
CQPlainTextEdit | Widget which is used to edit and display plain text |
CQPlatformAccessibility | Base class for integrating accessibility backends |
CQPlatformBackingStore | Provides the drawing area for top-level windows |
CQPlatformClipboard | Provides an abstraction for the system clipboard |
CQPlatformCursor | Provides information about pointer device events and the displayed cursor |
CQPlatformCursorImage | Provides a set of graphics intended to be used as cursors |
CQPlatformDialogHelper | Provides platform-specific customization of dialogs |
CQPlatformDrag | Abstraction for drag |
CQPlatformFontDatabase | Customize how fonts are discovered and how they are rendered |
CQPlatformGraphicsBuffer | Window system abstraction for native graphics buffers |
CQPlatformInputContext | Represents the input method dependent data and composing state |
CQPlatformIntegration | Entry point for the WindowSystem specific functionality |
CQPlatformIntegrationPlugin | Provides access to the gui platform plugin |
CQPlatformMenu | Abstract base class for a native menu |
CQPlatformMenuBar | Abstract base class for a native menu bar |
CQPlatformMenuItem | Abstract base class for a native menu item |
CQPlatformMessageDialogHelper | Provides platform-specific customization of message dialogs |
CQPlatformNativeInterface | Provides an abstraction for retrieving native resource handles |
CQPlatformOffscreenSurface | Additional documentation pending |
CQPlatformOpenGLContext | Provides an abstraction for native GL contexts |
CQPlatformPixmap | Provides an abstraction for native pixmaps |
CQPlatformPrintDevice | Provides access to the print functions on the current platform |
CQPlatformPrinterSupport | Provides an abstraction for print support |
CQPlatformScreen | Provides an abstraction for visual displays |
CQPlatformServices | Provides the backend for desktop related functionality |
CQPlatformSessionManager | Provides an interface to the platform session management system |
CQPlatformSharedGraphicsCache | Abstraction of a cross-process graphics cache |
CQPlatformSurface | Provides an abstraction for a surface |
CQPlatformSurfaceEvent | Used to notify about native platform surface events |
CQPlatformSystemTrayIcon | Abstracts the system tray icon |
CQPlatformTheme | Allows customizing the UI based on themes |
CQPlatformThemePlugin | Provides an abstraction for theme plugins |
CQPlatformWindow | Provides an abstraction for top level windows |
CQPluginLoader | Loads a plugin at runtime |
CQPoint | Defines a point in the plane using integer precision |
CQPointer | Contains a pointer to a QObject |
CQPointF | Defines a point in the plane using floating point precision |
CQPolygon | Vector of points using integer precision |
CQPolygonF | Vector of points using floating point precision |
CQPrintDialog | Dialog for specifying the printer's configuration |
CQPrintEngine | Defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem |
CQPrinter | Paint device which outputs to a printer |
CQPrinterInfo | Gives access to information about existing printers |
CQPrintPreviewDialog | Dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output |
CQPrintPreviewWidget | Widget for previewing page layouts for printer output |
CQProcess | Used to start external programs and communicate with them |
CQProcessEnvironment | Holds the environment variables that can be passed to a program |
CQProgressBar | Horizontal or vertical progress bar |
CQProgressDialog | Feedback on the progress of a long running operation |
CQPropertyAnimation | Animates properties |
CQProxyStyle | Simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements |
CQPushButton | Provides a command button widget |
CQQuaternion | Quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar |
CQQueue | Template class which provides a queue |
CQRadialGradient | Used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush |
CQRadioButton | Radio button with a text label |
CQRadioData | Interfaces to the RDS functionality of the system radio |
CQRadioDataControl | Provides access to the RDS functionality of the radio in the QMediaService |
CQRadioTuner | Provides an interface to the systems analog radio device |
CQRadioTunerControl | Tunes the radio of a QMediaService |
CQRasterPaintEngine | Enables hardware acceleration of painting operations on Embedded Linux |
CQRasterWindow | A class for painting with QPainter on a QWindow |
CQRawFont | Provides access to a single physical instance of a given font |
CQReadLocker | Simplifies locking and unlocking read and write locks for read access |
CQReadWriteLock | Read and write locking |
CQRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision |
CQRectF | Defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision |
CQRecursiveMutex | Provides exclusive access to a block of code by different threads |
CQRecursiveMutexLocker | Simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes |
CQRegion | Clip region for a painter |
CQRegularExpression | Provides pattern matching using regular expressions |
CQRegularExpressionMatch | Provides the results of matching a QRegularExpression for a given string |
CQRegularExpressionValidator | Validates a string based on a regular expression |
CQResizeEvent | Event parameters for resize events |
CQResource | Interface for reading directly from resources |
CQRgba64 | The QRgba64 struct contains a 64-bit RGB color |
CQRubberBand | Rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary |
CQRunnable | Base class for all runnable objects |
CQSaveFile | Interface for safely writing to files |
CQScopedArrayPointer | Contains a pointer to a dynamically allocated array |
CQScopedPointer | Contains a pointer to an object and takes exclusive ownership |
CQScopedValueRollback | QScopedValueRollback class resets a variable to its previous value on destruction |
CQScreen | Used to query screen properties |
CQScrollArea | Provides a way to scroll some other widget |
CQScrollBar | Vertical or horizontal scroll bar |
CQScroller | Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item |
CQScrollerProperties | Stores the settings for a QScroller |
CQScrollEvent | Sent when scrolling |
CQScrollPrepareEvent | Sent in preparation of scrolling |
CQSemaphore | General counting semaphore |
CQSequentialAnimationGroup | Sequential group of animations |
CQSessionManager | Access to the session manager |
►CQSet | Template class which provides a set implemented as a hash |
Cconst_iterator | Provides an STL style const iterator for QSet |
Citerator | Provides an STL style iterator for QSet |
CQSetIterator | Java style const iterator for QSet |
CQSettings | Way to save and restore user or application settings |
CQSharedArrayPointer | Stores a shared pointer to a dynamically allocated array of objects |
CQSharedData | Base class for shared data objects |
CQSharedDataPointer | Represents a pointer to an implicitly shared object |
CQSharedMemory | Access to a shared memory segment |
CQSharedPointer | Stores a pointer to a potentially shared object |
CQShortcut | Used to create keyboard shortcuts |
CQShortcutEvent | Event which is generated when the user presses a key combination |
CQShowEvent | Event that is sent when a widget is shown |
CQSignalMapper | Bundles signals from identifiable senders |
CQSignalTransition | Transition based on a signal |
CQSimpleXmlNodeModel | Provides default implementation for QAbstractXmlNodeModel |
CQSize | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision |
CQSizeF | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision |
CQSizeGrip | Resize top level windows |
CQSizePolicy | Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy |
CQSlider | Vertical or horizontal slider |
CQSocketNotifier | Support for monitoring activity on a file descriptor |
CQSortFilterProxyModel | Provides support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view |
CQSound | Provides access to the platform audio facilities |
CQSoundEffect | Way to play low latency sound effects |
CQSourceLocation | Identifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column |
CQSpacerItem | Blank space in a layout |
CQSpinBox | Spin box widget |
CQSplashScreen | Splash screen that can be shown during application startup |
CQSplitter | Implements a splitter widget |
CQSplitterHandle | Handle functionality of the splitter |
CQSqlDatabase | Connection to a database |
CQSqlDriver | Abstract base class for accessing SQL databases |
CQSqlDriverCreator | Template class which provides an SQL driver factory for a specific driver type |
CQSqlDriverCreatorBase | Base class for SQL driver factories |
CQSqlDriverPlugin | Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins |
CQSqlError | Provides SQL database error information |
CQSqlField | Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views |
CQSqlIndex | Functions to manipulate and describe database indexes |
CQSqlQuery | Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements |
CQSqlQueryModel | Read-only data model for SQL result sets |
CQSqlRecord | Encapsulates a database record |
CQSqlRelation | Stores information about an SQL foreign key |
CQSqlRelationalDelegate | Delegate used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel |
CQSqlRelationalTableModel | Provides an editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support |
CQSqlResult | Abstract interface for accessing data from SQL databases |
CQSqlTableModel | Provides an editable data model for a single database table |
CQSslCertificate | Convenient API for an X509 certificate |
CQSslCertificateExtension | API for accessing the extensions of an X509 certificate |
CQSslCipher | SSL cryptographic cipher |
CQSslConfiguration | Holds the configuration and state of an SSL connection |
CQSslEllipticCurve | Represents an elliptic curve for use by elliptic-curve cipher algorithms |
CQSslError | Provides an SSL error |
CQSslKey | Interface for private and public keys |
CQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator | Authentication data for pre shared keys (PSK) ciphersuites |
CQSslSocket | QSslSocket class provides an SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers |
CQStack | Template class which provides a stack |
CQStackedLayout | Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time |
CQStackedWidget | Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time |
CQStandardItem | Used to create an item which is then passed to a QStandardItemModel |
CQStandardItemEditorCreator | Provides the possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase |
CQStandardItemModel | Used to store data as defined by the software model/view paradigm |
CQStandardPaths | QStandardPaths class provides methods for accessing standard paths |
CQState | General-purpose state for QStateMachine |
►CQStateMachine | QStateMachine class provides a hierarchical finite state machine |
CSignalEvent | Signal event |
CWrappedEvent | Inherits QEvent and holds a clone of an event associated with a QObject |
CQStaticText | Enables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely |
CQStatusBar | Horizontal area for presenting status information |
CQStatusTipEvent | Event that is used to show messages in a status bar |
CQString | Typedef for QString8 |
►CQString16 | Provides a UTF-16 string class |
Cconst_iterator | STL style const iterator for QString16 |
Citerator | STL style iterator for QString16 |
►CQString8 | Provides a UTF-8 string class |
Cconst_iterator | STL style const iterator for QString8 |
Citerator | STL style iterator for QString8 |
CQStringList | Provides a container which is optimized for strings |
CQStringListModel | Implements a model where the data is a list of strings |
CQStringParser | Provides functionality for parsing a string |
CQStringView | String view class |
CQStyle | Abstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI |
CQStyledItemDelegate | Display and editing facilities for data items from a model |
CQStyleFactory | Creates QStyle objects |
CQStyleHintReturn | Style hints which return more than basic data types |
CQStyleHintReturnMask | Style hints that return a QRegion |
CQStyleHintReturnVariant | Style hints that return a QVariant |
CQStyleHints | Platform specific hints and settings |
CQStyleOption | Stores the parameters used by methods in QStyle |
CQStyleOptionButton | Described the parameters for drawing buttons |
CQStyleOptionComboBox | Used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox |
CQStyleOptionComplex | Holds parameters which are common to all complex controls |
CQStyleOptionDockWidget | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget |
CQStyleOptionFocusRect | Contains parameters used when drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle |
CQStyleOptionFrame | Describes the parameters for drawing a frame |
CQStyleOptionGraphicsItem | Stores parameters used to draw a QGraphicsItem |
CQStyleOptionGroupBox | Describes the parameters for drawing a group box |
CQStyleOptionHeader | Stores parameters for drawing a header |
CQStyleOptionMenuItem | Used when drawing a menu item |
CQStyleOptionProgressBar | Describes the parameters used for drawing a progress bar |
CQStyleOptionRubberBand | Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band |
CQStyleOptionSizeGrip | Contains parameters used for drawing a size grip |
CQStyleOptionSlider | Parameters used for drawing a slider |
CQStyleOptionSpinBox | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box |
CQStyleOptionTab | Describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar |
CQStyleOptionTabBarBase | Base version, describes the base region of a tab bar |
CQStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame | Describes the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget |
CQStyleOptionTitleBar | Parameters for drawing a title bar |
CQStyleOptionToolBar | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar |
CQStyleOptionToolBox | Describes the parameters used to draw a tool box |
CQStyleOptionToolButton | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button |
CQStyleOptionViewItem | Base version, describes the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget |
CQStylePainter | Used for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget |
CQStylePlugin | Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins |
CQSupportedWritingSystems | Used when registering fonts with the internal fontdatabase |
CQSurface | Abstraction of renderable surfaces |
CQSurfaceFormat | Represents the format of a QSurface |
CQSvgGenerator | Paint device that is used to create SVG drawings |
CQSvgRenderer | Used to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices |
CQSvgWidget | Widget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files |
CQSwipeGesture | Describes a swipe gesture made by the user |
CQSyntaxHighlighter | QSyntaxHighlighter class provides a mechanism for defining highlighting rules |
CQSysInfo | QSysInfo provides information about the computer where the application is running |
CQSystemSemaphore | General counting system semaphore |
CQSystemTrayIcon | Icon for an application in the system tray |
CQt | Namespace containing symbols, data types, and identifiers |
CQTabBar | Tab bar used in tabbed dialogs |
CQTabletEvent | Parameters that describe a Tablet event |
CQTableView | Default model/view implementation of a table view |
CQTableWidget | Item-based table view with a default model |
CQTableWidgetItem | Item for use with the QTableWidget class |
CQTableWidgetSelectionRange | Way to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model |
CQTabWidget | Stack of tabbed widgets |
CQTapAndHoldGesture | Describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user |
CQTapGesture | Describes a tap gesture made by the user |
CQtConcurrentMap | Header providing Concurrent Map and MapReduce |
CQtConcurrentRun | A header which supports running functions in separate threads |
CQTcpServer | Provides a TCP-based server |
CQTcpSocket | TCP socket |
CQTemporaryDir | Creates a unique directory for temporary use |
CQTemporaryFile | I/O device which operates on temporary files |
►CQTextBlock | Container for text fragments in a QTextDocument |
Citerator | The QTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlock |
CQTextBlockFormat | Formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument |
CQTextBlockGroup | Container for text blocks within a QTextDocument |
CQTextBlockUserData | Used to associate custom data with blocks of text |
CQTextBoundaryFinder | Provides a way of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string |
CQTextBrowser | Rich text browser with hypertext navigation |
CQTextCharFormat | Formatting information for characters in a QTextDocument |
►CQTextCodec | Converts between text encodings and QString |
CConverterState | Stores the current state of the Unicode parser |
CQTextCodecPlugin | Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins |
CQTextCursor | Offers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments |
CQTextDecoder | State-based decoder |
CQTextDocument | Holds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit |
CQTextDocumentFragment | Piece of formatted text from a QTextDocument |
CQTextDocumentWriter | Provides a format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices |
►CQTextEdit | Widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text |
CExtraSelection | The QTextEdit::ExtraSelection structure provides a way of specifying a character format for a given selection in a document |
CQTextEncoder | State-based encoder |
CQTextFormat | Formatting information for a QTextDocument |
CQTextFragment | Holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat |
►CQTextFrame | Frame in a QTextDocument |
Citerator | The QTextFrame::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextFrame |
CQTextFrameFormat | Formatting information for frames in a QTextDocument |
CQTextImageFormat | Formatting information for images in a QTextDocument |
CQTextInlineObject | Represents an inline object in a QTextLayout |
CQTextItem | All the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine |
►CQTextLayout | Used to lay out and render text |
CFormatRange | This structure is used to apply extra formatting information |
CQTextLength | Encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument |
CQTextLine | Line of text inside a QTextLayout |
CQTextList | Decorated list of items in a QTextDocument |
CQTextListFormat | Formatting information for lists in a QTextDocument |
CQTextObject | Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together |
CQTextObjectInterface | Allows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocuments |
►CQTextOption | Description of general rich text properties |
CTab | Structure which represents a tab stop |
CQTextStream | Interface for reading and writing text |
CQTextTable | Table in a QTextDocument |
CQTextTableCell | Properties of a cell in a QTextTable |
CQTextTableCellFormat | Formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument |
CQTextTableFormat | Formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument |
CQThread | Platform independent way to manage threads |
CQThreadPool | Manages a collection of QThreads |
CQThreadStorage | Per-thread data storage |
CQTileRules | Holds the rules used to draw a pixmap or image split into segments |
CQTime | Stores time information |
CQTimeEdit | Provides a widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget |
CQTimeLine | Timeline for controlling animations |
CQTimer | Provides repetitive and single-shot timers |
CQTimerEvent | Parameters that describe a timer event |
►CQTimeZone | Converts a QDateTime between UTC and local time for a given time zone |
COffsetData | Stores time zone offset data for a transition |
CQToolBar | Provides a movable panel that contains a set of controls |
CQToolBox | Column of tabbed widget items |
CQToolButton | Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar |
CQToolTip | Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget |
CQTouchDevice | Describes the device from which touch events originate |
►CQTouchEvent | Contains parameters that describe a touch event |
CTouchPoint | Information about a touch point in a QTouchEvent |
CQTransform | Specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
CQTranslator | Internationalization support for text output |
CQTreeView | Model/view implementation of a tree view |
CQTreeWidget | Tree view that uses a predefined tree model |
CQTreeWidgetItem | Provides an item used with the QTreeWidget class |
CQTreeWidgetItemIterator | Way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance |
CQUdpSocket | UDP socket |
CQUndoCommand | Base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack |
CQUndoGroup | Group of QUndoStack objects |
CQUndoStack | A stack of QUndoCommand objects |
CQUndoView | Displays the contents of a QUndoStack |
CQUniqueArrayPointer | Typedef for QScopedArrayPointer |
CQUniquePointer | Typedef for QScopedPointer |
CQUrl | Interface for working with URL syntax |
CQUrlInfo | Stores information about URLs |
CQUrlQuery | Provides a way to manipulate key-value pairs in a URL's query |
CQUuid | Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
CQValidator | Validation of input text |
CQVariant | Stores a single value of almost any data type |
CQVariantAnimation | Provides an abstract base class for animations |
CQVarLengthArray | Low level variable length array |
CQVBoxLayout | Lines up widgets vertically |
►CQVector | Template class which provides a dynamic or resizable array |
Cconst_iterator | The QVector::const_iterator class provides an STL style const iterator for QVector and QStack |
Citerator | The QVector::iterator class provides an STL style iterator for QVector and QStack |
CQVector2D | Vector or vertex in 2D space |
CQVector3D | Vector or vertex in 3D space |
CQVector4D | Represents a point or vector in 4D space |
CQVectorIterator | Java style const iterator for QVector and QStack |
CQVersionNumber | Contains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments |
CQVideoDeviceSelectorControl | Provides a video device selector media control |
CQVideoEncoderSettings | Set of video encoder settings |
CQVideoEncoderSettingsControl | Provides access to the settings of a media service that performs video encoding |
CQVideoFilterRunnable | Represents the implementation of a video filter |
CQVideoFrame | Representation of a frame of video data |
CQVideoProbe | Allows monitoring of video frames being played or recorded |
CQVideoRendererControl | Renders video to a QAbstractVideoSurface |
CQVideoSurfaceFormat | Stream format of a video presentation surface |
CQVideoWidget | Provides a widget which presents video produced by a media object |
CQVideoWidgetControl | Media control which implements a video widget |
CQVideoWindowControl | Media control for rendering video to a window |
CQVulkanDeviceFunctions | Provides cross platform access to the device level core Vulkan API |
CQVulkanExtensionProperties | Represents information about a Vulkan extension properties |
CQVulkanFunctions | Provides cross platform access to the instance level core Vulkan API |
CQVulkanInstance | Provides functionality to create a Vulkan instance |
CQVulkanLayerProperties | Represents information about a Vulkan layer |
CQVulkanWindow | Subclass of QWindow to perform Vulkan rendering |
CQVulkanWindowRenderer | Implements the application specific rendering logic for a QVulkanWindow |
CQWaitCondition | Condition variable for synchronizing threads |
CQWeakPointer | Stores a weak pointer to a potentially shared object |
CQWebDatabase | Access to HTML 5 databases created with JavaScript |
CQWebElement | Convenient access to DOM elements in a QWebFrame |
►CQWebElementCollection | Collection of web elements |
Cconst_iterator | Provides an STL-style const iterator for QWebElementCollection |
Citerator | The QWebElementCollection::iterator class provides an STL-style iterator for QWebElementCollection |
CQWebFrame | Frame in a web page |
CQWebHistory | History of a QWebPage |
CQWebHistoryInterface | Interface to implement link history |
CQWebHistoryItem | One item in the history of a QWebPage |
CQWebHitTestResult | Information about the web page content after a hit test |
CQWebInspector | Allows the placement and control of a QWebPage's inspector |
►CQWebPage | Object to view and edit web documents |
CChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption | Describes the option for the multiple files selection extension |
CChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn | Holds the return value for the multiple files selection extension |
CErrorPageExtensionOption | Describes the option for the error page extension |
CErrorPageExtensionReturn | Defines the page which will be shown in a frame where an error occurred |
CExtensionOption | An extended input argument to QWebPage's extension support |
CExtensionReturn | Provides an output result from a QWebPage's extension |
CViewportAttributes | Describes hints that can be applied to a viewport |
►CQWebPluginFactory | Used to embed custom data types in web pages |
CMimeType | The QWebPluginFactory::MimeType structure describes a mime type supported by a plugin |
CPlugin | This structure describes the properties of a plugin a QWebPluginFactory can create |
CQWebSecurityOrigin | Defines a security boundary for web sites |
CQWebSettings | Object to store the settings used by QWebPage and QWebFrame |
CQWebView | Widget that is used to view and edit web documents |
CQWhatsThis | Used to provide a simple help description of a widget |
CQWhatsThisClickedEvent | Event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text |
CQWheelEvent | Parameters that describe a wheel event |
CQWidget | Base class for all user interface controls |
CQWidgetAction | Used to add custom widgets for classes like a QToolbar which support actions |
CQWidgetItem | Layout item that represents a widget |
CQWindow | Represents a window in the underlying windowing system |
CQWindowsStyle | Microsoft Windows-like look and feel |
CQWindowStateChangeEvent | Window state before a window state change |
CQWindowsVistaStyle | Provides a look and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows Vista |
CQWindowsXPStyle | Microsoft Windows XP-like look and feel |
CQWinEventNotifier | Provides support for the Windows wait functions |
CQWizard | Provides support for wizards |
CQWizardPage | Base class for wizard pages |
CQWriteLocker | Simplifies locking and unlocking read and write locks for write access |
CQXmlAttributes | XML attributes |
CQXmlContentHandler | Interface to report the logical content of XML data |
CQXmlDeclHandler | Interface to report declaration content of XML data |
CQXmlDefaultHandler | Default implementation of all the XML handler classes |
CQXmlDTDHandler | Interface to report DTD content of XML data |
CQXmlEntityResolver | Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data |
CQXmlErrorHandler | Interface to report errors in XML data |
CQXmlFormatter | Implementation of QXmlSerializer for transforming XQuery output into formatted XML |
CQXmlInputSource | Input data for the QXmlReader subclasses |
CQXmlItem | Either an XML node or an atomic value |
CQXmlLexicalHandler | Interface to report the lexical content of XML data |
CQXmlLocator | XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file |
CQXmlName | Name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way |
CQXmlNamePool | Table of shared strings referenced by instances of QXmlName |
CQXmlNamespaceSupport | Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support |
CQXmlNodeModelIndex | Identifies a node in an XML node model subclassed from QAbstractXmlNodeModel |
CQXmlParseException | Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface |
CQXmlQuery | Performs XQueries on XML data, or on non-XML data modeled to look like XML |
CQXmlReader | Interface for XML readers |
CQXmlResultItems | Iterates through the results of evaluating an XQuery in QXmlQuery |
CQXmlSchema | Loading and validation of a W3C XML Schema |
CQXmlSchemaValidator | Validates XML instance documents against a W3C XML Schema |
CQXmlSerializer | An implementation of QAbstractXmlReceiver for transforming XQuery output into unformatted XML |
CQXmlSimpleReader | Implementation of a simple XML parser |
CQXmlStreamAttribute | Represents a single XML attribute |
CQXmlStreamAttributes | Vector of QXmlStreamAttribute |
CQXmlStreamEntityDeclaration | DTD entity declaration |
CQXmlStreamEntityResolver | Entity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader |
CQXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration | Namespace declaration |
CQXmlStreamNotationDeclaration | DTD notation declaration |
CQXmlStreamReader | Fast parser for reading well formed XML via a simple streaming API |
CQXmlStreamWriter | XML writer with a simple streaming API |