This structure defines the bit flags that indicate the state of an accessible object. Implementations of QAccessibleInterface::state() return a combination of these flags. The following entries are bit fields within the State class.
Bit Field | Description |
active | Object is the active window or the active sub-element in a container |
adjustable | Object represents an adjustable value, for example sliders |
busy | Object cannot accept input at the moment. |
checkable | Object is checkable. |
checked | Object's check box is checked. |
checkStateMixed | Third state of checkboxes (half checked in tri-state check boxes). |
collapsed | Object is collapsed, e.g. a closed listview item, or an iconified window. |
defaultButton | Object represents the default button in a dialog. |
defunct | Object no longer exists. |
editable | Object has a text caret (and often implements the text interface). |
expandable | The object is expandable, mostly used for cells in a tree view. |
expanded | Object is expanded, currently its children are visible. |
extSelectable | Object supports extended selection. |
focusable | Object can receive focus. Only objects in the active window can receive focus. |
focused | Object has keyboard focus. |
hasPopup | Object pens a popup. |
hotTracked | Object's appearance is sensitive to the mouse cursor position. |
invalid | Object is no longer valid (because it has been deleted). |
invalidEntry | Input validation current input invalid. |
invisible | Object is not visible to the user. |
linked | Object is linked to another object, e.g. a hyperlink. |
marqueed | Object displays scrolling contents, e.g. a log view. |
modal | Object blocks input from other objects. |
movable | Object can be moved. |
multiLine | Object has multiple lines of text (word wrap), as opposed to a single line. |
multiSelectable | Object supports multiple selected items. |
offscreen | Object is clipped by the visible area. Objects that are off screen are also invisible. |
passwordEdit | Object is a password field, e.g. a line edit for entering a Password. |
playsSound | Object produces sound when interacted with. |
pressed | Object is pressed. |
readOnly | Object can usually be edited, but is explicitly set to read-only. |
searchEdit | Object is a line edit that is the input for search queries. |
selectable | Object is selectable. |
selectableText | Object has text which can be selected. This is different from selectable which refers to the object's children. |
selected | Object is selected, this is independent of text selection. |
selfVoicing | Object describes itself through speech or sound. |
sizeable | Object can be resized, e.g. top-level windows. |
summaryElement | Object summarizes the state of the window and should be treated with priority. |
supportsAutoCompletion | Object has auto-completion, for example in line edits or combo boxes. |
traversed | Object is linked and has been visited. |
updatesFrequently | Object changes frequently and needs to be refreshed when accessing it. |
disabled | Object is unavailable to the user, e.g. a disabled widget. |