The QGraphicsSimpleTextItem class provides a simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene.
| QGraphicsSimpleTextItem (const QString &text, QGraphicsItem *parent=nullptr) |
| QGraphicsSimpleTextItem (QGraphicsItem *parent=nullptr) |
| ~QGraphicsSimpleTextItem () |
QRectF | boundingRect () const override |
bool | contains (const QPointF &point) const override |
QFont | font () const |
bool | isObscuredBy (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem) const override |
QPainterPath | opaqueArea () const override |
void | paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override |
void | setFont (const QFont &font) |
void | setText (const QString &text) |
QPainterPath | shape () const override |
QString | text () const |
int | type () const override |
| QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem (QGraphicsItem *parent=nullptr) |
| ~QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem () |
QBrush | brush () const |
QPen | pen () const |
void | setBrush (const QBrush &brush) |
void | setPen (const QPen &pen) |
| QGraphicsItem (QGraphicsItem *parent=nullptr) |
virtual | ~QGraphicsItem () |
bool | acceptDrops () const |
Qt::MouseButtons | acceptedMouseButtons () const |
bool | acceptHoverEvents () const |
bool | acceptTouchEvents () const |
virtual void | advance (int phase) |
QRegion | boundingRegion (const QTransform &itemToDeviceTransform) const |
qreal | boundingRegionGranularity () const |
CacheMode | cacheMode () const |
QList< QGraphicsItem * > | childItems () const |
QRectF | childrenBoundingRect () const |
void | clearFocus () |
QPainterPath | clipPath () const |
virtual bool | collidesWithItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode=Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const |
virtual bool | collidesWithPath (const QPainterPath &path, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode=Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const |
QList< QGraphicsItem * > | collidingItems (Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode=Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const |
QGraphicsItem * | commonAncestorItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem) const |
QCursor | cursor () const |
QVariant | data (int key) const |
QTransform | deviceTransform (const QTransform &viewportTransform) const |
qreal | effectiveOpacity () const |
void | ensureVisible (const QRectF &rectF=QRectF (), int xmargin=50, int ymargin=50) |
void | ensureVisible (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height, int xmargin=50, int ymargin=50) |
bool | filtersChildEvents () const |
GraphicsItemFlags | flags () const |
QGraphicsItem * | focusItem () const |
QGraphicsItem * | focusProxy () const |
void | grabKeyboard () |
void | grabMouse () |
QGraphicsEffect * | graphicsEffect () const |
QGraphicsItemGroup * | group () const |
bool | handlesChildEvents () const |
bool | hasCursor () const |
bool | hasFocus () const |
void | hide () |
Qt::InputMethodHints | inputMethodHints () const |
void | installSceneEventFilter (QGraphicsItem *filterItem) |
bool | isActive () const |
bool | isAncestorOf (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem) const |
bool | isBlockedByModalPanel (QGraphicsItem **blockingPanel=nullptr) const |
bool | isClipped () const |
bool | isEnabled () const |
bool | isObscured (const QRectF &rectF=QRectF ()) const |
bool | isObscured (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
bool | isPanel () const |
bool | isSelected () const |
bool | isUnderMouse () const |
bool | isVisible () const |
bool | isVisibleTo (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem) const |
bool | isWidget () const |
bool | isWindow () const |
QTransform | itemTransform (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, bool *ok=nullptr) const |
QPainterPath | mapFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QPainterPath &path) const |
QPointF | mapFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QPointF &point) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QPolygonF &polygon) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QRectF &rectF) const |
QPointF | mapFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, qreal x, qreal y) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QPainterPath | mapFromParent (const QPainterPath &path) const |
QPointF | mapFromParent (const QPointF &point) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromParent (const QPolygonF &polygon) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromParent (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QPointF | mapFromParent (qreal x, qreal y) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromParent (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QPainterPath | mapFromScene (const QPainterPath &path) const |
QPointF | mapFromScene (const QPointF &point) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromScene (const QPolygonF &polygon) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromScene (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QPointF | mapFromScene (qreal x, qreal y) const |
QPolygonF | mapFromScene (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QRectF | mapRectFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QRectF &rectF) const |
QRectF | mapRectFromItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QRectF | mapRectFromParent (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QRectF | mapRectFromParent (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QRectF | mapRectFromScene (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QRectF | mapRectFromScene (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QRectF | mapRectToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QRectF &rectF) const |
QRectF | mapRectToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QRectF | mapRectToParent (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QRectF | mapRectToParent (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QRectF | mapRectToScene (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QRectF | mapRectToScene (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QPainterPath | mapToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QPainterPath &path) const |
QPointF | mapToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QPointF &point) const |
QPolygonF | mapToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QPolygonF &polygon) const |
QPolygonF | mapToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, const QRectF &rectF) const |
QPointF | mapToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, qreal x, qreal y) const |
QPolygonF | mapToItem (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem, qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QPainterPath | mapToParent (const QPainterPath &path) const |
QPointF | mapToParent (const QPointF &point) const |
QPolygonF | mapToParent (const QPolygonF &polygon) const |
QPolygonF | mapToParent (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QPointF | mapToParent (qreal x, qreal y) const |
QPolygonF | mapToParent (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QPainterPath | mapToScene (const QPainterPath &path) const |
QPointF | mapToScene (const QPointF &point) const |
QPolygonF | mapToScene (const QPolygonF &polygon) const |
QPolygonF | mapToScene (const QRectF &rectF) const |
QPointF | mapToScene (qreal x, qreal y) const |
QPolygonF | mapToScene (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) const |
QMatrix | matrix () const |
void | moveBy (qreal dx, qreal dy) |
qreal | opacity () const |
QGraphicsItem * | panel () const |
PanelModality | panelModality () const |
QGraphicsItem * | parentItem () const |
QGraphicsObject * | parentObject () const |
QGraphicsWidget * | parentWidget () const |
QPointF | pos () const |
void | removeSceneEventFilter (QGraphicsItem *filterItem) |
void | resetMatrix () |
void | resetTransform () |
qreal | rotation () const |
qreal | scale () const |
QGraphicsScene * | scene () const |
QRectF | sceneBoundingRect () const |
QMatrix | sceneMatrix () const |
QPointF | scenePos () const |
QTransform | sceneTransform () const |
void | scroll (qreal dx, qreal dy, const QRectF &rectF=QRectF ()) |
void | setAcceptDrops (bool on) |
void | setAcceptedMouseButtons (Qt::MouseButtons buttons) |
void | setAcceptHoverEvents (bool enabled) |
void | setAcceptTouchEvents (bool enabled) |
void | setActive (bool active) |
void | setBoundingRegionGranularity (qreal granularity) |
void | setCacheMode (CacheMode mode, const QSize &cacheSize=QSize ()) |
void | setCursor (const QCursor &cursor) |
void | setData (int key, const QVariant &value) |
void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
void | setFiltersChildEvents (bool enabled) |
void | setFlag (GraphicsItemFlag flag, bool enabled=true) |
void | setFlags (GraphicsItemFlags flags) |
void | setFocus (Qt::FocusReason focusReason=Qt::OtherFocusReason) |
void | setFocusProxy (QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem) |
void | setGraphicsEffect (QGraphicsEffect *effect) |
void | setGroup (QGraphicsItemGroup *group) |
void | setHandlesChildEvents (bool enabled) |
void | setInputMethodHints (Qt::InputMethodHints hints) |
void | setMatrix (const QMatrix &matrix, bool combine=false) |
void | setOpacity (qreal opacity) |
void | setPanelModality (PanelModality panelModality) |
void | setParentItem (QGraphicsItem *parent) |
void | setPos (const QPointF &pos) |
void | setPos (qreal x, qreal y) |
void | setRotation (qreal angle) |
void | setScale (qreal factor) |
void | setSelected (bool selected) |
void | setToolTip (const QString &toolTip) |
void | setTransform (const QTransform &matrix, bool combine=false) |
void | setTransformations (const QList< QGraphicsTransform * > &transformations) |
void | setTransformOriginPoint (const QPointF &origin) |
void | setTransformOriginPoint (qreal x, qreal y) |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | setX (qreal x) |
void | setY (qreal y) |
void | setZValue (qreal z) |
void | show () |
void | stackBefore (const QGraphicsItem *graphicsItem) |
QGraphicsObject * | toGraphicsObject () |
const QGraphicsObject * | toGraphicsObject () const |
QString | toolTip () const |
QGraphicsItem * | topLevelItem () const |
QGraphicsWidget * | topLevelWidget () const |
QTransform | transform () const |
QList< QGraphicsTransform * > | transformations () const |
QPointF | transformOriginPoint () const |
void | ungrabKeyboard () |
void | ungrabMouse () |
void | unsetCursor () |
void | update (const QRectF &rectF=QRectF ()) |
void | update (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) |
QGraphicsWidget * | window () const |
qreal | x () const |
qreal | y () const |
qreal | zValue () const |
The QGraphicsSimpleTextItem class provides a simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. To set the item's text, you can either pass a QString to QGraphicsSimpleTextItem's constructor, or call setText() to change the text later. To set the text fill color, call setBrush().
The simple text item can have both a fill and an outline; setBrush() will set the text fill (i.e., text color), and setPen() sets the pen that will be used to draw the text outline. (The latter can be slow, especially for complex pens, and items with long text content.) If all you want is to draw a simple line of text, you should call setBrush() only, and leave the pen unset; QGraphicsSimpleTextItem's pen is by default Qt::NoPen.
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem uses the text's formatted size and the associated font to provide a reasonable implementation of boundingRect(), shape(), and contains(). You can set the font by calling setFont(). QGraphicsSimpleText does not display rich text; instead, you can use QGraphicsTextItem, which provides full text control capabilities.

- See also
- QGraphicsTextItem, QGraphicsPathItem, QGraphicsRectItem, QGraphicsEllipseItem, QGraphicsPixmapItem, QGraphicsPolygonItem, QGraphicsLineItem, Graphics View System