This enum type defines the valid event types. The event types and the specialized classes for each type are shown below.
Constant | Value | Description |
QEvent::None | 0 | Not an event. |
QEvent::AccessibilityDescription | 130 | Used to query accessibility description texts (QAccessibleEvent). |
QEvent::AccessibilityHelp | 119 | Used to query accessibility help texts (QAccessibleEvent). |
QEvent::AccessibilityPrepare | 86 | Accessibility information is requested. |
QEvent::ActionAdded | 114 | A new action has been added (QActionEvent). |
QEvent::ActionChanged | 113 | An action has been changed (QActionEvent). |
QEvent::ActionRemoved | 115 | An action has been removed (QActionEvent). |
QEvent::ActivationChange | 99 | A widget's top-level window activation state has changed. |
QEvent::ApplicationActivate | 121 | The application has been made available to the user. |
QEvent::ApplicationActivated | ApplicationActivate | This enum has been deprecated. Use ApplicationActivate instead. |
QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate | 122 | The application has been suspended, and is unavailable to the user. |
QEvent::ApplicationFontChange | 36 | The default application font has changed. |
QEvent::ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange | 37 | The default application layout direction has changed. |
QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange | 38 | The default application palette has changed. |
QEvent::ApplicationWindowIconChange | 35 | The application's icon has changed. |
QEvent::ChildAdded | 68 | An object gets a child (QChildEvent). |
QEvent::ChildPolished | 69 | A widget child gets polished (QChildEvent). |
QEvent::ChildRemoved | 71 | An object loses a child (QChildEvent). |
QEvent::Clipboard | 40 | The clipboard contents have changed (QClipboardEvent). |
QEvent::Close | 19 | Widget was closed (QCloseEvent). |
QEvent::CloseSoftwareInputPanel | 200 | A widget wants to close the software input panel (SIP). |
QEvent::ContentsRectChange | 178 | The margins of the widget's content rect changed. |
QEvent::ContextMenu | 82 | Context popup menu (QContextMenuEvent). |
QEvent::CursorChange | 183 | The widget's cursor has changed. |
QEvent::DeferredDelete | 52 | The object will be deleted after it has cleaned up. |
QEvent::DragEnter | 60 | The cursor enters a widget during a drag and drop operation (QDragEnterEvent). |
QEvent::DragLeave | 62 | The cursor leaves a widget during a drag and drop operation (QDragLeaveEvent). |
QEvent::DragMove | 61 | A drag and drop operation is in progress (QDragMoveEvent). |
QEvent::Drop | 63 | A drag and drop operation is completed (QDropEvent). |
QEvent::EnabledChange | 98 | Widget's enabled state has changed. |
QEvent::Enter | 10 | Mouse enters widget's boundaries. |
QEvent::EnterEditFocus | 150 | An editor widget gains focus for editing. |
QEvent::EnterWhatsThisMode | 124 | Send to toplevel widgets when the application enters "What's This?" mode. |
QEvent::FileOpen | 116 | File open request (QFileOpenEvent). |
QEvent::FocusIn | 8 | Widget gains keyboard focus (QFocusEvent). |
QEvent::FocusOut | 9 | Widget loses keyboard focus (QFocusEvent). |
QEvent::FontChange | 97 | Widget's font has changed. |
QEvent::GrabKeyboard | 188 | Item gains keyboard grab (QGraphicsItem only). |
QEvent::GrabMouse | 186 | Item gains mouse grab (QGraphicsItem only). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneContextMenu | 159 | Context popup menu over a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragEnter | 164 | The cursor enters a graphics scene during a drag and drop operation (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragLeave | 166 | The cursor leaves a graphics scene during a drag and drop operation (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragMove | 165 | A drag and drop operation is in progress over a scene (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneDrop | 167 | A drag and drop operation is completed over a scene (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp | 163 | The user requests help for a graphics scene (QHelpEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter | 160 | The mouse cursor enters a hover item in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave | 162 | The mouse cursor leaves a hover item in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverMove | 161 | The mouse cursor moves inside a hover item in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick | 158 | Mouse press again (double click) in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove | 155 | Move mouse in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress | 156 | Mouse press in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease | 157 | Mouse release in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove | 182 | Widget was moved (QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize | 181 | Widget was resized (QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent). |
QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel | 168 | Mouse wheel rolled in a graphics scene (QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent). |
QEvent::Hide | 18 | Widget was hidden (QHideEvent). |
QEvent::HideToParent | 27 | A child widget has been hidden. |
QEvent::HoverEnter | 127 | The mouse cursor enters a hover widget (QHoverEvent). |
QEvent::HoverLeave | 128 | The mouse cursor leaves a hover widget (QHoverEvent). |
QEvent::HoverMove | 129 | The mouse cursor moves inside a hover widget (QHoverEvent). |
QEvent::IconDrag | 96 | The main icon of a window has been dragged away (QIconDragEvent). |
QEvent::IconTextChange | 101 | Widget's icon text has been changed. |
QEvent::InputMethod | 83 | An input method is being used (QInputMethodEvent). |
QEvent::KeyPress | 6 | Key press (QKeyEvent). |
QEvent::KeyRelease | 7 | Key release (QKeyEvent). |
QEvent::LanguageChange | 89 | The application translation changed. |
QEvent::LayoutDirectionChange | 90 | The direction of layouts changed. |
QEvent::LayoutRequest | 76 | Widget layout needs to be redone. |
QEvent::Leave | 11 | Mouse leaves widget's boundaries. |
QEvent::LeaveEditFocus | 151 | An editor widget loses focus for editing. |
QEvent::LeaveWhatsThisMode | 125 | Send to toplevel widgets when the application leaves "What's This?" mode. |
QEvent::LocaleChange | 88 | The system locale has changed. |
QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick | 176 | A mouse double click occurred outside the client area. |
QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress | 174 | A mouse button press occurred outside the client area. |
QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease | 175 | A mouse button release occurred outside the client area. |
QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove | 173 | A mouse move occurred outside the client area. |
QEvent::MacSizeChange | 177 | The user changed this widget sizes (Mac OS X only). |
QEvent::MenubarUpdated | 153 | The window's menu bar has been updated. |
QEvent::MetaCall | 43 | An asynchronous method invocation via QMetaObject::invokeMethod(). |
QEvent::ModifiedChange | 102 | Widgets modification state has been changed. |
QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick | 4 | Mouse press again (QMouseEvent). |
QEvent::MouseButtonPress | 2 | Mouse press (QMouseEvent). |
QEvent::MouseButtonRelease | 3 | Mouse release (QMouseEvent). |
QEvent::MouseMove | 5 | Mouse move (QMouseEvent). |
QEvent::MouseTrackingChange | 109 | The mouse tracking state has changed. |
QEvent::Move | 13 | Widget's position changed (QMoveEvent). |
QEvent::Paint | 12 | Screen update necessary (QPaintEvent). |
QEvent::PaletteChange | 39 | Palette of the widget changed. |
QEvent::ParentAboutToChange | 131 | The widget parent is about to change. |
QEvent::ParentChange | 21 | The widget parent has changed. |
QEvent::PlatformPanel | 212 | A platform specific panel has been requested. |
QEvent::Polish | 75 | The widget is polished. |
QEvent::PolishRequest | 74 | The widget should be polished. |
QEvent::QueryWhatsThis | 123 | The widget should accept the event if it has "What's This?" help. |
QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel | 199 | A widget wants to open a software input panel (SIP). |
QEvent::Resize | 14 | Widget's size changed (QResizeEvent). |
QEvent::Shortcut | 117 | Key press in child for shortcut key handling (QShortcutEvent). |
QEvent::ShortcutOverride | 51 | Key press in child, for overriding shortcut key handling (QKeyEvent). |
QEvent::Show | 17 | Widget was shown on screen (QShowEvent). |
QEvent::ShowToParent | 26 | A child widget has been shown. |
QEvent::SockAct | 50 | Socket activated, used to implement QSocketNotifier. |
QEvent::StateMachineSignal | 192 | A signal delivered to a state machine (QStateMachine::SignalEvent). |
QEvent::StateMachineWrapped | 193 | The event is a wrapper for, i.e., contains, another event (QStateMachine::WrappedEvent). |
QEvent::StatusTip | 112 | A status tip is requested (QStatusTipEvent). |
QEvent::StyleChange | 100 | Widget's style has been changed. |
QEvent::TabletMove | 87 | Wacom tablet move (QTabletEvent). |
QEvent::TabletPress | 92 | Wacom tablet press (QTabletEvent). |
QEvent::TabletRelease | 93 | Wacom tablet release (QTabletEvent). |
QEvent::TabletEnterProximity | 171 | Wacom tablet enter proximity event (QTabletEvent), sent to QApplication. |
QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity | 172 | Wacom tablet leave proximity event (QTabletEvent), sent to QApplication. |
QEvent::Timer | 1 | Regular timer events (QTimerEvent). |
QEvent::ToolBarChange | 120 | The toolbar button is toggled on Mac OS X. |
QEvent::ToolTip | 110 | A tooltip was requested (QHelpEvent). |
QEvent::ToolTipChange | 184 | The widget's tooltip has changed. |
QEvent::UngrabKeyboard | 189 | Item loses keyboard grab (QGraphicsItem only). |
QEvent::UngrabMouse | 187 | Item loses mouse grab (QGraphicsItem only). |
QEvent::UpdateLater | 78 | The widget should be queued to be repainted at a later time. |
QEvent::UpdateRequest | 77 | The widget should be repainted. |
QEvent::WhatsThis | 111 | The widget should reveal "What's This?" help (QHelpEvent). |
QEvent::WhatsThisClicked | 118 | A link in a widget's "What's This?" help was clicked. |
QEvent::Wheel | 31 | Mouse wheel rolled (QWheelEvent). |
QEvent::WinEventAct | 132 | A Windows-specific activation event has occurred. |
QEvent::WindowActivate | 24 | Window was activated. |
QEvent::WindowBlocked | 103 | The window is blocked by a modal dialog. |
QEvent::WindowDeactivate | 25 | Window was deactivated. |
QEvent::WindowIconChange | 34 | The window's icon has changed. |
QEvent::WindowStateChange | 105 | The window's state (minimized, maximized or full-screen) has changed (QWindowStateChangeEvent). |
QEvent::WindowTitleChange | 33 | The window title has changed. |
QEvent::WindowUnblocked | 104 | The window is unblocked after a modal dialog exited. |
QEvent::ZOrderChange | 126 | The widget's z-order has changed. This event is never sent to top level windows. |
QEvent::KeyboardLayoutChange | 169 | The keyboard layout has changed. |
QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange | 170 | A dynamic property was added, changed or removed from the object. |
QEvent::TouchBegin | 194 | Beginning of a sequence of touch-screen and/or track-pad events (QTouchEvent) |
QEvent::TouchUpdate | 195 | Touch-screen event (QTouchEvent) |
QEvent::TouchEnd | 196 | End of touch-event sequence (QTouchEvent) |
QEvent::WinIdChange | 203 | The window system identifier for this native widget has changed |
QEvent::Gesture | 198 | A gesture was triggered (QGestureEvent) |
QEvent::GestureOverride | 202 | A gesture override was triggered (QGestureEvent) |