CopperSpice API  1.9.2
QWebHistoryInterface Class Referenceabstract

The QWebHistoryInterface class provides an interface to implement link history. More...

Inheritance diagram for QWebHistoryInterface:

Public Methods

 QWebHistoryInterface (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~QWebHistoryInterface ()
virtual void addHistoryEntry (const QString &url) = 0
virtual bool historyContains (const QString &url) const = 0
- Public Methods inherited from QObject
 QObject (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~QObject ()
bool blockSignals (bool block)
const QList< QObject * > & children () const
bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod=QString ()) const
bool disconnect (const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QObject *receiver=nullptr, const QString &slotMethod=QString ()) const
bool disconnect (const QString &signalMethod=QString (), const QObject *receiver=nullptr, const QString &slotMethod=QString ()) const
void dumpObjectInfo ()
void dumpObjectTree ()
QList< QStringdynamicPropertyNames () const
virtual bool event (QEvent *event)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
template<typename T >
findChild (const QString &childName=QString ()) const
template<class T >
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegularExpression &regExp, Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
template<class T >
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &childName=QString (), Qt::FindChildOptions options=Qt::FindChildrenRecursively) const
bool inherits (const QString &className) const
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
bool isWidgetType () const
bool isWindowType () const
void killTimer (int id)
const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName () const
QObject * parent () const
template<class T = QVariant>
property (const QString &name) const
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const QString &name, const QVariant &value)
bool signalsBlocked () const
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType=Qt::CoarseTimer)
QThreadthread () const

Static Public Methods

static QWebHistoryInterface * defaultInterface ()
static void setDefaultInterface (QWebHistoryInterface *defaultInterface)
- Static Public Methods inherited from QObject
static bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
static bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection, const QString &location=QString ())
static bool connect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class SlotClass , class... SlotArgs, class SlotReturn >
static bool connect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, SlotReturn (SlotClass::*slotMethod)(SlotArgs...), Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class T >
static bool connect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, T slotLambda, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &slotMethod)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QString &signalMethod, const QString &location, const QObject *receiver, const QString &slotMethod)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, std::nullptr_t, const QObject *receiver, std::nullptr_t)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class SlotClass , class... SlotArgs, class SlotReturn >
static bool disconnect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, SlotReturn (SlotClass::*slotMethod)(SlotArgs...))
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver >
static bool disconnect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, std::nullptr_t slotMethod=nullptr)
template<class Sender , class SignalClass , class... SignalArgs, class Receiver , class T >
static bool disconnect (const Sender *sender, void (SignalClass::*signalMethod)(SignalArgs...), const Receiver *receiver, T slotMethod)
static QMetaObjectstaticMetaObject ()
static QString tr (const char *text, const char *comment=nullptr, std::optional< int > numArg=std::optional< int >())

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Signals inherited from QObject
void destroyed (QObject *obj=nullptr)
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName)
- Public Slots inherited from QObject
void deleteLater ()
- Protected Methods inherited from QObject
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signalMethod) const
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signalMethod) const
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signalMethod) const
int receivers (const QString &signal) const
QObject * sender () const
int senderSignalIndex () const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)
- Properties inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QWebHistoryInterface class provides an interface to implement link history.

The QWebHistoryInterface is an interface that can be used to keep track of visited links. It contains two pure virtual methods that are called by the WebKit engine: addHistoryEntry() is used to add urls that have been visited to the interface, while historyContains() is used to query whether the given url has been visited by the user. By default the QWebHistoryInterface is not set, so WebKit does not keep track of visited links.

The history tracked by QWebHistoryInterface is not specific to an instance of QWebPage but applies to all pages.
See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QWebHistoryInterface::QWebHistoryInterface ( QObject parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QWebHistoryInterface with the given parent.

QWebHistoryInterface::~QWebHistoryInterface ( )

Destroys the interface. If this is currently the default interface it will be unset.

Method Documentation

void QWebHistoryInterface::addHistoryEntry ( const QString url)
pure virtual

Called by WebKit to add another url to the list of visited pages.

QWebHistoryInterface * QWebHistoryInterface::defaultInterface ( )

Returns the default interface that will be used by WebKit. If no default interface has been set, WebKit will not keep track of visited links and a null pointer will be returned.

See also
bool QWebHistoryInterface::historyContains ( const QString url) const
pure virtual

Called by the WebKit engine to query whether a certain url has been visited by the user already. Returns true if the url is part of the history of visited links, otherwise returns false.

void QWebHistoryInterface::setDefaultInterface ( QWebHistoryInterface *  defaultInterface)

Sets a new default interface, defaultInterface, that will be used by all of WebKit to keep track of visited links.

If an interface without a parent has already been set, the old interface will be deleted. When the application exists QWebHistoryInterface will automatically delete the defaultInterface if it does not have a parent.

See also