CopperSpice API  1.9.2
QMediaMetaData Class Reference

Provides identifiers for meta-data attributes. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides identifiers for meta-data attributes.

Not all identifiers are supported on all platforms. Please consult vendor documentation for specific support on different platforms.

Common Attributes

Value Description Type
Title Title of the media QString
SubTitle Subtitle of the media QString
Author Authors of the media QStringList
Comment User comment about the media QString
Description Description of the media QString
Category Category of the media QStringList
Genre Genre of the media QStringList
Year Year of release of the media int
Data Date of the media QDate
UserRating User rating of the media int [0..100]
Keywords List of keywords describing the media QStringList
Language Language of media as an ISO 639-2 code QString
Publisher Publisher of the media QString
Copyright Media copyright notice QString
ParentalRating Parental rating of the media QString
RatingOrganization Organization responsible for the parental rating of the media QString

Media Attributes

Value Description Type
Size Size in bytes of the media qint64
MediaType Type of the media (audio, video, etc) QString
Duration Duration in milliseconds of the media qint64

Audio Attributes

Value Description Type
AudioBitRate Bit rate of the media's audio stream in bits per second QString
AudioCodec Codec of the media's audio stream QString
AverageLevel Average volume level of the media QString
ChannelCount Number of channels in the media's audio stream QString
PeakValue Peak volume of the media's audio stream QString
SampleRate Sample rate of the media's audio stream in hertz QString

Music Attributes

Value Description Type
AlbumTitle Title of the album the media belongs to QString
AlbumArtist Principal artist of the album the media belongs to QString
ContributingArtist Artists contributing to the media QStringList
Composer Composer of the media QStringList
Conductor Conductor of the media QString
Lyrics Lyrics to the media QString
Mood Mood of the media QString
TrackNumber Track number of the media int
TrackCount Number of tracks on the album containing the media int
CoverArtUrlSmall URL of a small cover art image QUrl
overArtUrlLarge URL of a large cover art image QUrl
CoverArtImage Embedded cover art image QImage

Image and Video Attributes

Value Description Type
Resolution Dimensions of an image or video QSize
PixelAspectRatio Pixel aspect ratio of an image or video QSize

Video Attributes

Value Description Type
VideoFrameRate Frame rate of the media's video stream QString
VideoBitRate Bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per second QString
VideoCodec Codec of the media's video stream QString
PosterUrl URL of a poster image QString
PosterImage Embedded poster image QString