Provides identifiers for meta-data attributes.
This class provides identifiers for meta-data attributes.
- Note
- Not all identifiers are supported on all platforms. Please consult vendor documentation for specific support on different platforms.
Common Attributes
Value | Description | Type |
Title | Title of the media | QString |
SubTitle | Subtitle of the media | QString |
Author | Authors of the media | QStringList |
Comment | User comment about the media | QString |
Description | Description of the media | QString |
Category | Category of the media | QStringList |
Genre | Genre of the media | QStringList |
Year | Year of release of the media | int |
Data | Date of the media | QDate |
UserRating | User rating of the media | int [0..100] |
Keywords | List of keywords describing the media | QStringList |
Language | Language of media as an ISO 639-2 code | QString |
Publisher | Publisher of the media | QString |
Copyright | Media copyright notice | QString |
ParentalRating | Parental rating of the media | QString |
RatingOrganization | Organization responsible for the parental rating of the media | QString |
Media Attributes
Value | Description | Type |
Size | Size in bytes of the media | qint64 |
MediaType | Type of the media (audio, video, etc) | QString |
Duration | Duration in milliseconds of the media | qint64 |
Audio Attributes
Value | Description | Type |
AudioBitRate | Bit rate of the media's audio stream in bits per second | QString |
AudioCodec | Codec of the media's audio stream | QString |
AverageLevel | Average volume level of the media | QString |
ChannelCount | Number of channels in the media's audio stream | QString |
PeakValue | Peak volume of the media's audio stream | QString |
SampleRate | Sample rate of the media's audio stream in hertz | QString |
Music Attributes
Value | Description | Type |
AlbumTitle | Title of the album the media belongs to | QString |
AlbumArtist | Principal artist of the album the media belongs to | QString |
ContributingArtist | Artists contributing to the media | QStringList |
Composer | Composer of the media | QStringList |
Conductor | Conductor of the media | QString |
Lyrics | Lyrics to the media | QString |
Mood | Mood of the media | QString |
TrackNumber | Track number of the media | int |
TrackCount | Number of tracks on the album containing the media | int |
CoverArtUrlSmall | URL of a small cover art image | QUrl |
overArtUrlLarge | URL of a large cover art image | QUrl |
CoverArtImage | Embedded cover art image | QImage |
Image and Video Attributes
Value | Description | Type |
Resolution | Dimensions of an image or video | QSize |
PixelAspectRatio | Pixel aspect ratio of an image or video | QSize |
Video Attributes
Value | Description | Type |
VideoFrameRate | Frame rate of the media's video stream | QString |
VideoBitRate | Bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per second | QString |
VideoCodec | Codec of the media's video stream | QString |
PosterUrl | URL of a poster image | QString |
PosterImage | Embedded poster image | QString |