CopperSpice API  1.9.2
QPersistentModelIndex Class Reference

The QPersistentModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model. More...

Public Methods

 QPersistentModelIndex (const QModelIndex &index)
 QPersistentModelIndex (const QPersistentModelIndex &other)
 QPersistentModelIndex (QPersistentModelIndex &&other)
QModelIndex child (int row, int column) const
int column () const
QVariant data (int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const
Qt::ItemFlags flags () const
bool isValid () const
const QAbstractItemModelmodel () const
 operator const QModelIndex & () const
bool operator!= (const QModelIndex &other) const
bool operator!= (const QPersistentModelIndex &other) const
bool operator< (const QPersistentModelIndex &other) const
QPersistentModelIndex & operator= (const QModelIndex &other)
QPersistentModelIndex & operator= (const QPersistentModelIndex &other)
QPersistentModelIndex & operator= (QPersistentModelIndex &&other)
bool operator== (const QModelIndex &other) const
bool operator== (const QPersistentModelIndex &other) const
QModelIndex parent () const
int row () const
QModelIndex sibling (int row, int column) const
void swap (QPersistentModelIndex &other)

Detailed Description

The QPersistentModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model.

A QPersistentModelIndex is a model index that can be stored by an application, and later used to access information in a model. Unlike the QModelIndex class, it is safe to store a QPersistentModelIndex since the model will ensure that references to items will continue to be valid as long as they can be accessed by the model.

It is good practice to check that persistent model indexes are valid before using them.

See also
QModelIndex, QAbstractItemModel, Model/View Architecture

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QPersistentModelIndex::QPersistentModelIndex ( const QModelIndex index)

Creates a new QPersistentModelIndex that is a copy of the model index.

QPersistentModelIndex::QPersistentModelIndex ( const QPersistentModelIndex &  other)

Creates a new QPersistentModelIndex that is a copy of the other persistent model index.

QPersistentModelIndex::QPersistentModelIndex ( QPersistentModelIndex &&  other)

Move constructs a new QPersistentModelIndex from other.

Method Documentation

QModelIndex QPersistentModelIndex::child ( int  row,
int  column 
) const

Returns the child of the model index that is stored in the given row and column.

See also
parent(), sibling()
int QPersistentModelIndex::column ( ) const

Returns the column this persistent model index refers to.

QVariant QPersistentModelIndex::data ( int  role = Qt::DisplayRole) const

Returns the data for the given role for the item referred to by the index.

See also
Qt::ItemDataRole, QAbstractItemModel::setData()
Qt::ItemFlags QPersistentModelIndex::flags ( ) const

Returns the flags for the item referred to by the index.

bool QPersistentModelIndex::isValid ( ) const

Returns true if this persistent model index is valid, otherwise returns false.

A valid index belongs to a model, and has non-negative row and column numbers.

See also
model(), row(), column()
const QAbstractItemModel * QPersistentModelIndex::model ( ) const

Returns the model that the index belongs to.

QPersistentModelIndex::operator const QModelIndex & ( ) const

Cast operator that returns a const QModelIndex&.

bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator!= ( const QModelIndex other) const

Returns true if this persistent model index does not refer to the same location as the other model index, otherwise returns false.

bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator!= ( const QPersistentModelIndex &  other) const

Returns true if this persistent model index is not equal to the other persistent model index, otherwise returns false.

bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator< ( const QPersistentModelIndex &  other) const

Returns true if this persistent model index is smaller than the other persistent model index, otherwise returns false.

All values in the persistent model index are used when comparing with another persistent model index.

QPersistentModelIndex & QPersistentModelIndex::operator= ( const QModelIndex other)

Sets the persistent model index to refer to the same item in a model as the other model index.

QPersistentModelIndex & QPersistentModelIndex::operator= ( const QPersistentModelIndex &  other)

Sets the persistent model index to refer to the same item in a model as the other persistent model index.

QPersistentModelIndex & QPersistentModelIndex::operator= ( QPersistentModelIndex &&  other)

Move assigns from other and returns a reference to this object.

bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator== ( const QModelIndex other) const

Returns true if this persistent model index refers to the same location as the other model index, otherwise returns false.

All values in the persistent model index are used when comparing with another model index.

bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator== ( const QPersistentModelIndex &  other) const

Returns true if this persistent model index is equal to the other persistent model index, otherwise returns false.

All values in the persistent model index are used when comparing with another persistent model index.

QModelIndex QPersistentModelIndex::parent ( ) const

Returns the parent QModelIndex for this persistent index, or an invalid QModelIndex if it has no parent.

See also
child(), sibling(), model()
int QPersistentModelIndex::row ( ) const

Returns the row this persistent model index refers to.

QModelIndex QPersistentModelIndex::sibling ( int  row,
int  column 
) const

Returns the sibling at row and column or an invalid QModelIndex if there is no sibling at this position.

See also
parent(), child()
void QPersistentModelIndex::swap ( QPersistentModelIndex &  other)

Swaps this persistent modelindex with other. This method is very fast and never fails.