CopperSpice API  1.9.2
QNetworkRequest Class Reference

The QNetworkRequest class holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager. More...

Public Types

enum  Attribute
enum  CacheLoadControl
enum  KnownHeaders
enum  LoadControl
enum  Priority

Public Methods

 QNetworkRequest (const QNetworkRequest &other)
 QNetworkRequest (const QUrl &url=QUrl ())
 ~QNetworkRequest ()
QVariant attribute (Attribute code, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant ()) const
bool hasRawHeader (const QByteArray &headerName) const
QVariant header (KnownHeaders header) const
int maximumRedirectsAllowed () const
bool operator!= (const QNetworkRequest &other) const
QNetworkRequest & operator= (const QNetworkRequest &other)
QNetworkRequest & operator= (QNetworkRequest &&other)
bool operator== (const QNetworkRequest &other) const
QObjectoriginatingObject () const
Priority priority () const
QByteArray rawHeader (const QByteArray &headerName) const
QList< QByteArrayrawHeaderList () const
void setAttribute (Attribute code, const QVariant &value)
void setHeader (KnownHeaders header, const QVariant &value)
void setMaximumRedirectsAllowed (int maxRedirectsAllowed)
void setOriginatingObject (QObject *object)
void setPriority (Priority priority)
void setRawHeader (const QByteArray &headerName, const QByteArray &headerValue)
void setSslConfiguration (const QSslConfiguration &configuration)
void setUrl (const QUrl &url)
QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration () const
void swap (QNetworkRequest &other)
QUrl url () const

Detailed Description

The QNetworkRequest class holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager.

QNetworkRequest is part of the Network Access API and is the class holding the information necessary to send a request over the network. It contains a URL and some ancillary information that can be used to modify the request.

See also
QNetworkReply, QNetworkAccessManager

Member Enumeration Documentation

Attribute codes for the QNetworkRequest and QNetworkReply.

Attributes are extra meta data that are used to control the behavior of the request and to pass further information from the reply back to the application. Attributes are also extensible, allowing custom implementations to pass custom values.

The following table explains what the default attribute codes are, the QVariant types associated, the default value if said attribute is missing and whether it is used in requests or replies.

QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute0Replies only, type: QVariant::Int (no default) Indicates the HTTP status code received from the HTTP server (like 200, 304, 404, 401, etc.). If the connection was not HTTP-based, this attribute will not be present.
QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute1Replies only, type: QVariant::ByteArray (no default) Indicates the HTTP reason phrase as received from the HTTP server (like "Ok", "Found", "Not Found", "Access Denied", etc.) This is the human readable representation of the status code (see above). If the connection was not HTTP-based, this attribute will not be present.
QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute2Replies only, type: QVariant::Url (no default) If present, it indicates that the server is redirecting the request to a different URL. The Network Access API does not by default follow redirections: it's up to the application to determine if the requested redirection should be allowed, according to its security policies. The returned URL might be relative. Use QUrl::resolved() to create an absolute URL out of it.
QNetworkRequest::ConnectionEncryptedAttribute3Replies only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the data was obtained through an encrypted (secure) connection.
QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute4Requests only, type: QVariant::Int (default: QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) Controls how the cache should be accessed. The possible values are those of QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl. Note that the default QNetworkAccessManager implementation does not support caching. However, this attribute may be used by certain backends to modify their requests (for example, for caching proxies).
QNetworkRequest::CacheSaveControlAttribute5Requests only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: true) Controls if the data obtained should be saved to cache for future uses. If the value is false, the data obtained will not be automatically cached. If true, data may be cached, provided it is cacheable (what is cacheable depends on the protocol being used).
QNetworkRequest::SourceIsFromCacheAttribute6Replies only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the data was obtained from cache or not.
QNetworkRequest::DoNotBufferUploadDataAttribute7Requests only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the QNetworkAccessManager code is allowed to buffer the upload data, e.g. when doing a HTTP POST. When using this flag with sequential upload data, the ContentLengthHeader header must be set.
QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute8Requests only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the QNetworkAccessManager code is allowed to use HTTP pipelining with this request.
QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningWasUsedAttribute9Replies only, type: QVariant::Bool Indicates whether the HTTP pipelining was used for receiving this reply.
QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute10Requests only, type: QVariant::ByteArray Holds the value for the custom HTTP verb to send (destined for usage of other verbs than GET, POST, PUT and DELETE). This verb is set when calling QNetworkAccessManager::sendCustomRequest().
QNetworkRequest::CookieLoadControlAttribute11Requests only, type: QVariant::Int (default: QNetworkRequest::Automatic) Indicates whether to send 'Cookie' headers in the request. This attribute is set to false by CsWebKit when creating a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest where withCredentials has not been set explicitly to true by the JavaScript which created the request.
QNetworkRequest::AuthenticationReuseAttribute 12 Requests only, type: QVariant::Int (default: QNetworkRequest::Automatic) Indicates whether to use cached authorization credentials in the request, if available. If this is set to QNetworkRequest::Manual and the authentication mechanism is 'Basic' or 'Digest', CopperSpice will not send an 'Authorization' HTTP header with any cached credentials it may have for the request's URL. This attribute is set to QNetworkRequest::Manual by CsWebKit when creating a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest where withCredentials has not been set explicitly to true by the JavaScript that created the request.
QNetworkRequest::CookieSaveControlAttribute 13 Requests only, type: QVariant::Int (default: QNetworkRequest::Automatic) Indicates whether to save 'Cookie' headers received from the server in reply to the request. This attribute is set to false by CsWebKit when creating a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest where withCredentials has not been set explicitly to true by the JavaScript that created the request.
QNetworkRequest::BackgroundRequestAttribute 17 Type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates that this is a background transfer, rather than a user initiated transfer. Depending on the platform, background transfers may be subject to different policies. The QNetworkSession ConnectInBackground property will be set according to this attribute.
QNetworkRequest::SpdyAllowedAttribute 18 Requests only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the QNetworkAccessManager code is allowed to use SPDY with this request. This applies only to SSL requests, and depends on the server supporting SPDY.
QNetworkRequest::SpdyWasUsedAttribute 19 Replies only, type: QVariant::Bool Indicates whether SPDY was used for receiving this reply.
QNetworkRequest::EmitAllUploadProgressSignalsAttribute 20 Requests only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether all upload signals should be emitted. By default, the uploadProgress signal is emitted only in 100 millisecond intervals.
QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute 21 Requests only, type: QVariant::Bool (default: false) Indicates whether the Network Access API should automatically follow a HTTP redirect response or not. Currently redirects that are insecure, that is redirecting from "https" to "http" protocol, are not allowed.
QNetworkRequest::User 1000 Special type. Additional information can be passed in QVariant with types ranging from User to UserMax. The default implementation of Network Access will ignore any request attributes in this range and it will not produce any attributes in this range in replies. The range is reserved for extensions of QNetworkAccessManager.
QNetworkRequest::UserMax 32767 Special type, see user

Controls the caching mechanism of QNetworkAccessManager.

QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork0 Always load from network and do not check if the cache has a valid entry (similar to the "Reload" feature in browsers)
QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork1 Default value; load from the network if the cached entry is older than the network entry
QNetworkRequest::PreferCache2 Load from cache if available, otherwise load from network. Note that this can return possibly stale (but not expired) items from cache.
QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache3 Only load from cache, indicating error if the item was not cached (i.e., off-line mode)

List of known header types that QNetworkRequest parses. Each known header is also represented in raw form with its full HTTP name.

QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader0 Corresponds to HTTP Content-Type header and contains a string containing the media (MIME) type and any auxiliary data (for instance, charset)
QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader1 Corresponds to HTTP Content-Length header and contains the length in bytes of the data transmitted
QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader2 Corresponds to HTTP Location header and contains a URL representing the actual location of the data, including the destination URL in case of redirections
QNetworkRequest::LastModifiedHeader3 Corresponds to HTTP Last-Modified header and contains a QDateTime representing the last modification date of the contents
QNetworkRequest::CookieHeader4 Corresponds to HTTP Cookie header and contains a QList<QNetworkCookie> representing the cookies to be sent back to the server
QNetworkRequest::SetCookieHeader5 Corresponds to the HTTP Set-Cookie header and contains a QList<QNetworkCookie> representing the cookies sent by the server to be stored locally
QNetworkRequest::ContentDispositionHeader 6 Corresponds to HTTP Content-Disposition header and contains a string containing the disposition type (for instance, attachment) and a parameter (for instance, filename)
QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader 7 User Agent header sent by HTTP clients
QNetworkRequest::ServerHeader 8 Server header received by HTTP clients
See also
header(), setHeader(), rawHeader(), setRawHeader()

Indicates if an aspect of the request's loading mechanism has been manually overridden, for example CsWebKit.

QNetworkRequest::Automatic0 default value: indicates default behavior.
QNetworkRequest::Manual1 indicates behavior has been manually overridden.

This enum lists the possible network request priorities.

QNetworkRequest::HighPriority1High priority
QNetworkRequest::NormalPriority3Normal priority
QNetworkRequest::LowPriority5Low priority

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QNetworkRequest::QNetworkRequest ( const QUrl url = QUrl())

Constructs a QNetworkRequest object with url as the URL to be requested.

See also
url(), setUrl()
QNetworkRequest::QNetworkRequest ( const QNetworkRequest &  other)

Creates a copy of other.

QNetworkRequest::~QNetworkRequest ( )

Disposes of the QNetworkRequest object.

Method Documentation

QVariant QNetworkRequest::attribute ( Attribute  code,
const QVariant defaultValue = QVariant() 
) const

Returns the attribute associated with the given code. If the attribute has not been set, it returns defaultValue. This methods does not apply the defaults listed in QNetworkRequest::Attribute.

See also
setAttribute(), QNetworkRequest::Attribute
bool QNetworkRequest::hasRawHeader ( const QByteArray headerName) const

Returns true if the raw header headerName is present in this network request.

See also
rawHeader(), setRawHeader()
QVariant QNetworkRequest::header ( KnownHeaders  header) const

Returns the value of the known network header if it is present in this request. If it is not present, returns an empty QVariant().

See also
KnownHeaders, rawHeader(), setHeader()
int QNetworkRequest::maximumRedirectsAllowed ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of redirects allowed to be followed for this request.

See also
bool QNetworkRequest::operator!= ( const QNetworkRequest &  other) const

Returns false if this object is not the same as other.

See also
QNetworkRequest & QNetworkRequest::operator= ( const QNetworkRequest &  other)

Copy assigns from other and returns a reference to this object.

QNetworkRequest & QNetworkRequest::operator= ( QNetworkRequest &&  other)

Move assigns from other and returns a reference to this object.

bool QNetworkRequest::operator== ( const QNetworkRequest &  other) const

Returns true if this object is the same as other (i.e., if they have the same URL, same headers and same meta data settings).

See also
QObject * QNetworkRequest::originatingObject ( ) const

Returns a reference to the object that initiated this network request; returns 0 if not set or the object has been destroyed.

See also
Priority QNetworkRequest::priority ( ) const

Return the priority of this request.

See also
QByteArray QNetworkRequest::rawHeader ( const QByteArray headerName) const

Returns the raw form of header headerName. If no such header is present, an empty QByteArray is returned, which may be indistinguishable from a header that is present but has no content (use hasRawHeader() to find out if the header exists or not).

Raw headers can be set with setRawHeader() or with setHeader().

See also
header(), setRawHeader()
QList< QByteArray > QNetworkRequest::rawHeaderList ( ) const

Returns a list of all raw headers that are set in this network request. The list is in the order that the headers were set.

See also
hasRawHeader(), rawHeader()
void QNetworkRequest::setAttribute ( Attribute  code,
const QVariant value 

Sets the attribute associated with the given code to the specified value. If the attribute is already set the previous value is discarded. If value is an empty QVariant, the attribute is unset.

See also
attribute(), QNetworkRequest::Attribute
void QNetworkRequest::setHeader ( KnownHeaders  header,
const QVariant value 

Sets the value of the known header to the given value, overriding any previously set headers. This operation also sets the equivalent raw HTTP header.

See also
KnownHeaders, setRawHeader(), header()
void QNetworkRequest::setMaximumRedirectsAllowed ( int  maxRedirectsAllowed)

Sets the maximum number of redirects allowed to be followed for this request to maxRedirectsAllowed.

See also
void QNetworkRequest::setOriginatingObject ( QObject object)

Allows setting a reference to the object initiating the request. For example CsWebKit sets the originating object to the QWebFrame that initiated the request.

See also
void QNetworkRequest::setPriority ( Priority  priority)

Set the priority of this request to priority. The priority is only a hint to the network access manager. It can use it or not. Currently it is used for HTTP to decide which request should be sent first to a server.

See also
void QNetworkRequest::setRawHeader ( const QByteArray headerName,
const QByteArray headerValue 

Sets the header headerName to be of value headerValue. If headerName corresponds to a known header (see QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders), the raw format will be parsed and the corresponding "cooked" header will be set as well.

request.setRawHeader("Last-Modified", "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT");

will also set the known header LastModifiedHeader to be the QDateTime object of the parsed date.

Note: setting the same header twice overrides the previous setting. To accomplish the behavior of multiple HTTP headers of the same name, you should concatenate the two values, separating them with a comma (",") and set one single raw header.

See also
KnownHeaders, setHeader(), hasRawHeader(), rawHeader()
void QNetworkRequest::setSslConfiguration ( const QSslConfiguration configuration)

Sets this network request's SSL configuration to be config. The settings that apply are the private key, the local certificate, the SSL protocol (SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1 where applicable), the CA certificates and the ciphers that the SSL backend is allowed to use.

By default, no SSL configuration is set, which allows the backends to choose freely what configuration is best for them.

See also
sslConfiguration(), QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration()
void QNetworkRequest::setUrl ( const QUrl url)

Sets the URL for this network request to url.

See also
QSslConfiguration QNetworkRequest::sslConfiguration ( ) const

Returns this network request's SSL configuration. By default, no SSL settings are specified.

See also
void QNetworkRequest::swap ( QNetworkRequest &  other)

Swaps this network request with other. This method is very fast and never fails.

QUrl QNetworkRequest::url ( ) const

Returns the URL this network request is referring to.

See also