CopperSpice API  1.9.2
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > Class Template Reference

Contains a pointer to an object and takes exclusive ownership. More...

Public Typedefs

using deleter_type = typename std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter >::deleter_type
using DeleterType = deleter_type
using element_type = typename std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter >::element_type
using ElementType = element_type
using pointer = typename std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter >::pointer
using Pointer = pointer

Public Methods

 QScopedPointer (Pointer p, Deleter d) noexcept
 QScopedPointer (Pointer p=nullptr) noexcept
 QScopedPointer (QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &&other)
 QScopedPointer (std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > &&p) noexcept
 ~QScopedPointer ()
Pointer data () const noexcept
Pointer get () const noexcept
const Deleter & get_deleter () const noexcept
Deleter & get_deleter () noexcept
bool isNull () const noexcept
 operator bool () const noexcept
bool operator! () const noexcept
bool operator!= (const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &other) const
bool operator!= (const T *ptr) const
bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t) const
ElementTypeoperator* () const noexcept
Pointer operator-> () const noexcept
bool operator< (const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &other) const
bool operator< (const T *ptr) const
bool operator< (std::nullptr_t) const
bool operator<= (const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &other) const
bool operator<= (const T *ptr) const
bool operator<= (std::nullptr_t) const
QScopedPointer & operator= (QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &&other)
bool operator== (const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &other) const
bool operator== (const T *ptr) const
bool operator== (std::nullptr_t) const
bool operator> (const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &other) const
bool operator> (const T *ptr) const
bool operator> (std::nullptr_t) const
bool operator>= (const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &other) const
bool operator>= (const T *ptr) const
bool operator>= (std::nullptr_t) const
Pointer release () noexcept
void reset (Pointer other=nullptr)
void swap (QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &other) noexcept
Pointer take () noexcept

Related Functions

These are not member functions

QScopedPointer< T > QMakeScoped (Args &&...args)

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
class QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >

The QScopedPointer class contains a pointer to an object and takes exclusive ownership of the lifetime of the object.

There is no reference count for a QScopedPointer since no other smart pointers can point to the given object. Any pointer class which takes responsibility for the lifetime of the object it points to is considered a smart pointer.

When this smart pointer class is destroyed the object it points to will be deleted. This ensures the object is always destroyed when the pointer goes out of scope.

Example Using a Raw Pointer

The following is an example which shows why using a raw pointer can be complicated. Notice the code to delete both raw pointers must be duplicated in three different places.

void myFunction(bool useSubClass)
MyClass *somePtr = useSubClass ? new MyClass() : new MySubClass;
QIODevice *device = handsOverOwnership();
if (m_value > 3) {
delete somePtr;
delete device;
try {
} catch (...) {
delete somePtr;
delete device;
delete somePtr;
delete device;

Example Using QScopedPointer

When a smart pointer is used instead of a raw pointer the source code can be simplified.

void myFunction(bool useSubClass)
QScopedPointer<MyClass> somePtr(useSubClass ? new MyClass() : new MySubClass);
QScopedPointer<QIODevice> device(handsOverOwnership());
if (m_value > 3) }

Destroying Objects

The purpose of a destructor is to clean up the resources owned by the object. Destroying a smart pointer object needs to do a bit more work. It is also responsible for releaseing the dynamic memory allocated to the object the smart pointer was pointing to. Most dynamically allocated objects are destroyed by simply calling the delete operator as shown below.

Widget *ptr = new Widget();
// ...
delete ptr;

When using a smart pointer which owns the object it is pointing to, users do not call delete directly. The destructor method is responsible for calling a method in a Deleter class which will release the memory allocated to the object. The exact call in the Deleter class must correspond to the way the object was created.

Allocation Deleter Class Destruction
new T() std::default_delete<T> Default Deleter class, calls operator delete()
new T[ ] std::default_delete<T[ ]> Default Deleter class, calls operator delete[ ]
malloc() QMallocDeleter Custom Deleter, calls free()

Custom Deleter Classes

QScopedPointer has a default Deleter class which is sufficient for most objects. If your application requires a custom Deleter class the name of this struct or class must be passed as the second template parameter to QScopedPointer.

// uses default object deleter
// uses default array deleter
QScopedPointer<int[]> ptr_B(new int[42]);
// uses a CopperSpice custom Deleter class
QScopedPointer<int, QMallocDeleter> ptr1(reinterpret_cast<int *>(malloc(42)));
// uses a custom deleter class supplied in your application
struct MyCustomDeleter
void operator()(MyClass *ptr) const {

Custom Deleters

The syntax for using a custom deleter with QScopedPointer has been modified. This change applies to any build of CopperSpice using version 1.8.2 or newer.

// original code
QScopedPointer<int, QScopedPointerPodDeleter> ptr1(reinterpret_cast<int *>(malloc(42)));
struct MyCustomDeleter
static inline void cleanup(MyClass *ptr) {
// using a custom deleter
// new syntax
QScopedPointer<int, QMallocDeleter> ptr3(reinterpret_cast<int *>(malloc(42)));
struct MyCustomDeleter
void operator()(MyClass *ptr) const {
// using a custom deleter

Forward Declared Pointers

Classes which are forward declared can be used within QScopedPointer. However the destructor of the forward declared class must be available when a QScopedPointer is constructed. All classes containing a QScopedPointer which point to a forward declared class must have non-inline constructors, destructors, and assignment operators.

class MyPrivateClass; // forward declaration
class MyClass
inline ~MyClass() {} // will *not* compile, destructor can not be inline
MyClass(const MyClass &) = delete;
MyClass & operator=(const MyClass &) = delete;
See also

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::deleter_type

Typedef for std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter>::deleter_type.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::DeleterType

Typedef for deleter_type.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::element_type

Typedef for std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter>::element_type.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::ElementType

Typedef for element_type.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::pointer

Typedef for std::unique_ptr::pointer.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::Pointer

Typedef for pointer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::QScopedPointer ( Pointer  p = nullptr)

Constructs a new QScopedPointer object and sets the internal pointer to p.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::QScopedPointer ( Pointer  p,
Deleter  d 

Constructs a new QScopedPointer object and sets the internal pointer to p and the deleter to d.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::QScopedPointer ( std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > &&  p)

Constructs a new QScopedPointer by moving ownership from p.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::~QScopedPointer ( )

Destroys this QScopedPointer object.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::QScopedPointer ( QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &&  other)

Move constructs a new QScopedPointer from other.

Method Documentation

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
Pointer QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::data ( ) const

Returns the value of the pointer in the current QScopedPointer. This smart pointer class still owns the object it is pointing to. No other code should attempt to delete the object.

See also
template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
Pointer QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::get ( ) const

Equivalent to calling QScopedPointer::data().

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
const Deleter & QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::get_deleter ( ) const

Returns the deleter object which will be used for destruction of this smart pointer.

See also
Destroying Objects:
template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
Deleter & QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::get_deleter ( )

Returns the deleter object which will be used for destruction of this smart pointer.

See also
Destroying Objects
template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::isNull ( ) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer contains a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator bool ( ) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer does not contain a nullptr. This method is invoked automatically when a QScopedPointer is used as a boolean condition.

QScopedPointer<MyClass> scopedPointer = someFunction();
if (scopedPointer) {
// ...
template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator! ( ) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer contains a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

See also
template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator!= ( const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &  other) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is not equal to other, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator!= ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is not equal to ptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator!= ( std::nullptr_t  ) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is not equal to a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
ElementType & QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator* ( ) const

Dereferences this QScopedPointer and returns the object it points to. If the QScopedPointer is a nullptr the behavior is undefined.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
Pointer QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator-> ( ) const

Dereferences this QScopedPointer and returns a raw pointer to the object it points to. If the QScopedPointer is a nullptr the behavior is undefined.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator< ( const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &  other) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is less than other, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator< ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is less than ptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator< ( std::nullptr_t  ) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is less than a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator<= ( const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &  other) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is less than or equal to other, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator<= ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is less than or equal to ptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator<= ( std::nullptr_t  ) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is less than or equal to a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
QScopedPointer & QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator= ( QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &&  other)

Move assigns from other and returns a reference to this object.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator== ( const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &  other) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is equal to other, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator== ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is equal to ptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator== ( std::nullptr_t  ) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is equal to a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator> ( const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &  other) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is greater than other, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator> ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is greater than ptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator> ( std::nullptr_t  ) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is greater than a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator>= ( const QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &  other) const

Returns true if this QScopedPointer is equal to than or equal to other, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator>= ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is greater than or equal to ptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
bool QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::operator>= ( std::nullptr_t  ) const

Returns true if this QSharedPointer is greater than or equal to a nullptr, otherwise returns false.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
Pointer QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::release ( )

Equivalent to calling QScopedPointer::take().

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
void QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::reset ( Pointer  other = nullptr)

Assigns other to this QScopedPointer.

If the current QScopedPointer is not a nullptr then the object it is pointing to will be destroyed.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
void QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::swap ( QScopedPointer< T, Deleter > &  other)

Swap the current pointer with other.

template<typename T , typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
Pointer QScopedPointer< T, Deleter >::take ( )

Releases the ownership of the managed object, if this scoped pointer is not a nullptr. This method sets the current scoped pointer to a nullptr and returns the old scoped pointer value.

The caller is responsible for deleting the object.

See also

Friends And Related Function Documentation

QScopedPointer< T > QMakeScoped ( Args &&...  args)

Constructs a new QScopedPointer of type T by using args as the parameter list for the constructor of T.