CopperSpice API
Header providing Concurrent Map and MapReduce. More...
These functions are provided to support Concurrent Programming.
The QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped() and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() functions run computations in parallel on the items in a sequence such as a QList or a QVector. QtConcurrent::map() modifies a sequence in-place, QtConcurrent::mapped() returns a new sequence containing the modified content, and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() returns a single result.
Each of the above functions has a blocking variant that returns the final result instead of a QFuture. You use them in the same way as the asynchronous variants.
Note the result types above are not QFuture objects, but real result types (in this case, QList<QImage> and QImage).
QtConcurrent::mapped() takes an input sequence and a map function. This map function is then called for each item in the sequence, and a new sequence containing the return values from the map function is returned.
The map function must be of the form:
T and U can be any type (and they can even be the same type), but T must match the type stored in the sequence. The function returns the modified or mapped content.
This example shows how to apply a scale function to all the items in a sequence:
The results of the map are made available through QFuture. Refer to the QFuture and QFutureWatcher documentation for more information on how to use QFuture. If you want to modify a sequence in-place, use QtConcurrent::map(). The map function must then be of the form.
The return value and return type of the map function are not used. Using QtConcurrent::map() is similar to using QtConcurrent::mapped().
Since the sequence is modified in place, QtConcurrent::map() does not return any results via QFuture. However, you can still use QFuture and QFutureWatcher to monitor the status of the map.
QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() is similar to QtConcurrent::mapped(), but instead of returning a sequence with the new results, the results are combined into a single value using a reduce function.
The reduce function must be of the form:
T is the type of the final result, U is the return type of the map function. The return value and return type of the reduce function are not used. Call QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() as shown.
The reduce function will be called once for each result returned by the map function, and should merge the intermediate into the result variable. QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() guarantees that only one thread will call reduce at a time, so using a mutex to lock the result variable is not necessary. The QtConcurrent::ReduceOptions enum provides a way to control the order in which the reduction is done. If QtConcurrent::UnorderedReduce is used (the default), the order is undefined, while QtConcurrent::OrderedReduce ensures that the reduction is done in the order of the original sequence.
Each of the above functions has a variant that takes an iterator range instead of a sequence. You use them in the same way as the sequence variants:
Each of the above functions has a blocking variant that returns the final result instead of a QFuture. You use them in the same way as the asynchronous variants.
The result types above are not QFuture objects, but real result types (in this case, QList<QImage> and QImage).
QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped(), and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() accept pointers to member functions. The member function class type must match the type stored in the sequence.
When using QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() you can mix the use of normal and member functions.
QtConcurrent::map(), QtConcurrent::mapped(), and QtConcurrent::mappedReduced() accept function objects, which can be used to add state to a function call. The data type result_type must match the return type of the function call operator:
If you want to use a filter function which takes more than one argument use a lambda expression.
As an example, we will use QString::left(). Since QString::left() is a method it can not be used with QtConcurrent::mapped() directly. This is because QtConcurrent::mapped() expects a function which takes one argument.