| QXmlStreamAttributes () |
void | append (const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name, const QString &value) |
void | append (const QString &qualifiedName, const QString &value) |
bool | hasAttribute (const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name) const |
bool | hasAttribute (const QString &qualifiedName) const |
QStringView | value (const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name) const |
QStringView | value (const QString &qualifiedName) const |
| QVector () = default |
| QVector (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) = default |
| QVector (Input_Iterator first, Input_Iterator last) |
| QVector (QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &&other) = default |
| QVector (size_type size) |
| QVector (size_type size, const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
| QVector (std::initializer_list< QXmlStreamAttribute > args) |
| ~QVector () = default |
void | append (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) |
void | append (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
void | append (Iter begin, Iter end) |
void | append (QXmlStreamAttribute &&value) |
const_reference | at (size_type pos) const |
reference | back () |
const_reference | back () const |
iterator | begin () |
const_iterator | begin () const |
size_type | capacity () const |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const_iterator | cend () const |
void | clear () |
const_iterator | constBegin () const |
const QXmlStreamAttribute * | constData () const |
const_iterator | constEnd () const |
const_reference | constFirst () const |
const_reference | constLast () const |
bool | contains (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) const |
bool | contains (const U &value) const |
size_type | count () const |
size_type | count (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) const |
const_reverse_iterator | crbegin () const |
const_reverse_iterator | crend () const |
QXmlStreamAttribute * | data () |
const QXmlStreamAttribute * | data () const |
bool | empty () const |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | end () const |
bool | endsWith (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) const |
iterator | erase (const_iterator begin, const_iterator end) |
iterator | erase (const_iterator pos) |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > & | fill (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value, size_type size=-1) |
reference | first () |
const_reference | first () const |
reference | front () |
const_reference | front () const |
size_type | indexOf (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value, size_type from=0) const |
size_type | indexOf (const U &value, size_type from=0) const |
iterator | insert (iterator before, const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
iterator | insert (iterator before, size_type count, const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
iterator | insert (iterator pos, Iter begin, Iter end) |
void | insert (size_type pos, const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
void | insert (size_type pos, size_type count, const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
bool | isEmpty () const |
reference | last () |
const_reference | last () const |
size_type | lastIndexOf (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value, size_type from=-1) const |
size_type | length () const |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > | mid (size_type pos, size_type length=-1) const |
void | move (size_type from, size_type to) |
bool | operator!= (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) const |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > | operator+ (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) const |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > & | operator+= (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > & | operator+= (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > & | operator<< (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > & | operator<< (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > & | operator= (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) = default |
QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > & | operator= (QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &&other) = default |
bool | operator== (const QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) const |
reference | operator[] (size_type i) |
const_reference | operator[] (size_type i) const |
void | pop_back () |
void | pop_front () |
void | prepend (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
void | push_back (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
void | push_back (QXmlStreamAttribute &&value) |
void | push_front (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
void | push_front (QXmlStreamAttribute &&value) |
reverse_iterator | rbegin () |
const_reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
void | remove (size_type pos) |
void | remove (size_type pos, size_type count) |
size_type | removeAll (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
void | removeAt (size_type pos) |
void | removeFirst () |
void | removeLast () |
bool | removeOne (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
reverse_iterator | rend () |
const_reverse_iterator | rend () const |
void | replace (size_type i, const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) |
void | reserve (size_type size) |
void | resize (size_type size) |
size_type | size () const |
void | squeeze () |
bool | startsWith (const QXmlStreamAttribute &value) const |
void | swap (QVector< QXmlStreamAttribute > &other) |
QXmlStreamAttribute | takeAt (size_type pos) |
QXmlStreamAttribute | takeFirst () |
QXmlStreamAttribute | takeLast () |
QList< QXmlStreamAttribute > | toList () const |
std::vector< QXmlStreamAttribute > | toStdVector () const |
QXmlStreamAttribute | value (size_type pos) const |
QXmlStreamAttribute | value (size_type pos, const QXmlStreamAttribute &defaultValue) const |
The QXmlStreamAttributes class represents a vector of QXmlStreamAttribute. Attributes are returned by a QXmlStreamReader in attributes() when the reader reports a start element. The class can also be used with a QXmlStreamWriter as an argument to writeAttributes().
The method value() loops over the vector and returns an attribute value for a given namespaceUri and an attribute's name. New attributes can be added with append().
- See also
- QVector::append()
bool QXmlStreamAttributes::hasAttribute |
( |
const QString & |
qualifiedName | ) |
const |
inline |
Returns true if this QXmlStreamAttributes has an attribute whose qualified name is qualifiedName, otherwise returns false.
This method is not namespace aware. For example, if QXmlStreamAttributes contains an attribute whose lexical name is "xlink:href" and you call this method with an argument of href
the return value will be false. In order to process namespaces use the overload of hasAttribute() which supports a namespace URI and a local name.
Returns true if this QXmlStreamAttributes has an attribute whose namespace URI and name correspond to namespaceUri and name, otherwise returns false.