DoxyPress  2.0.0
DoxyPress Usage

DoxyPress is a command line program. Starting doxypress with the --help option at the command line will display a brief description of the usage and available options.

Every documented project requires a unique project file. The project file contains settings which are used to configure DoxyPress and set parameters like which output formats should be generated, which source files should be processed, whether private data members should be documented, and a vast number of other settings.

For a complete list of what can be configured in your project file refer to Project File.

Running DoxyPress

The syntax to run DoxyPress at the command line is:

doxypress [options] yourProjectFile.json

For information about the available options refer to the appropriate section.

Layout File

To modify the look of your generated documentation DoxyPress can be configured to use a custom layout file. If no layout file is specified in your project file the built in layout file will be used.

To create a custom layout file use the following procedure to export the standard layout file.

  • Layout File

    doxypress -l [layout file name]
    • Export the standard layout file
    • Modify the layout file as required
    • In your project file enter the name of your user-defined file in the 'Layout file' tag, located in Build Settings, Build Output
    • If DoxyPress is run from a directory containing a file called DoxyPress_Layout.xml, DoxyPress will parse it automatically even if this project tag field is left empty

Headers, Footers, Stylesheets

To modify the look of your generated documentation, DoxyPress can be configured to use your custom style sheets, headers, and footers. If these are not specified the standard CSS, Header, and Footer files will be used.

  • HTML Output

    doxypress -w html-head [header file name]
    • Create a copy of the standard HTML Header file
    • Modify the HTML file as required
    • In your project file, enter the name of your user-defined file in the 'HTML Header file' tag
      This tag is located in Output Formats, HTML (Part 1)

    doxypress -w html-foot [footer file name]
    • Create a copy of the standard HTML Footer file
    • Modify the HTML file as required
    • In your project file enter the name of your user-defined in the 'HTML Footer file' tag
      This tag is located in Output Formats, HTML (Part 1)

    doxypress -w html-style [styleSheet file name]
    • Extract a copy of the standard CSS stylesheet
    • Modify the stylesheet as required
    • In your project file enter the name of your user-defined file in the 'HTML Stylsheets' tag
      This tag is located in Output Formats, HTML (Part 1)

  • LaTex Output

    doxypress -w latex-head [header file name]
    • For LaTeX output you can generate the first and last part of refman.tex
    • Extract a copy of the standard LaTex Header file
    • Modify the LaTex header as required and specify the custom file in your project file

    doxypress -w latex-foot [footer file name]
    • Extract a copy of the standard LaTex footer file
    • Modify the LaTex footer as required and specify the custom file in your project file

    doxypress -w latex-style [styleSheet file name]
    • Extract a copy of the standard LaTex stylesheet file
    • Modify the LaTex stylesheet as required and specify the custom file in your project file

  • RTF Output

    doxypress -w rtf-ext [extensions file name]
    • Extract a copy of the standard RTF extensions file
    • Modify the extensions file as required and specify the custom file in your project file

    doxypress -w rtf-style [stylesheet file name]
    • Extract a copy of the standard RTF stylesheet
    • Modify the stylesheet as required and specify the custom file in your project file
If your project is using custom headers or footers you are responsible for the proper inclusion of any required scripts and style sheets.

Set Date/Time

The Date/Time value is used while generating the documentation. The most common place the date/time can be found is in the footer of each generated page. If a value for this option is passed to DoxyPress then anywhere the current date/time would have been used the passed values are used instead.

This option allows the date/time for the generated documentation to be set to any valid date/time without having to alter computer clock values. This option does not alter the date/time attribute of the file.

  • Set Date/Time (Command Line)
    • Use the following syntax to pass the date/time from the command line

      doxypress --dt [date/time] yourProjectFile.json
    • This example shows how to set the date/time to August 17 1 2018 at 10:30 am

      doxypress --dt "2018/08/17 10:30:00" yourProjectFile.json
  • Set Date/Time (DoxyPressApp)
    • The date/time can also be passed from the DoxyPressApp application
      On the Run tab in DoxyPressApp click on the "Passed Parameters" button and then set the appropriate options
  • General Information
    • Date/Time format must be as follows:  yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
    • This passed parameter will not change the data/time attribute of the files
    • The format for the date/time on generated footer pages can be adjusted by adding a custom footer