
This page contains links to the slides and videos for talks we have done on C++, CopperSpice, DoxyPress, CsSignal, CsString, and CsLibGuarded.

YouTube Channel

Over 70 videos about modern C++, Data Types, C++ Memory Model, atomics, containers, C++ Standard Library, Unicode, rendering 3D Graphics, overview of the CopperSpice libraries, documenting with DoxyPress, and more . . .

Please subscribe to our channel so you will be notified when new videos are uploaded.

    YouTube Videos

    (Slides)   March 2021 RCU Sample Code

Recent Conferences

CppCon 2021

    (Slides)   Overload Resolution (Back to Basics)

    (Slides)   Undefined Behavior (Back to Basics)

CppOnSea 2021

    (Video)   Keynote: Learn Programming, then Learn how to Be a Programmer

emBO++ 2021

    (Slides)   Data Types, Value Categories, Parameter Passing

European Tour November 2019

MeetingC++ (Berlin)

    (Slides)   High Performance Graphics on the GPU

code::dive() (Wrocław, Poland),   Dutch C++ Group (Amsterdam)

    (Slides)   Undefined Behavior Is Not an Error

Bochum, Germany

    C++ Training / CopperSpice Training

European Tour March 2019

emBO++ Conference,   Munich C++ User Group,   C++ London

    (Slides)   Undefined Behavior Is Not an Error

Dutch C++ Group (Amsterdam),   C++ User Group Düsseldorf

    (Slides)   Overload Resolution

ACCU Bay Area

February 2019

    (Slides)   Undefined Behavior Is Not an Error

June 2018

    (Slides)   Overload Resolution

January 2018

    (Slides)   Multi-Threading in C++

November 2017

    (Slides)   Modern C++

June 2017

    (Slides)   Unicode Aware String Library for C++

CppCon / CppNow 2015-2020

CppCon September 2020

    (Slides)   Lambda Expressions

CppCon September 2019

    (Slides)   High Performance Graphics on the GPU

CppCon September 2018

    (Slides)   Undefined Behavior Is Not an Error

CppNow May 2017

    (Slides)   Containers and Strings, Why the Implementation Matters

CppNow May 2016

    (Slides)   CopperSpice and the Next Generation of Signals

CppCon September 2015

    (Video)   CopperSpice: A Pure C++ GUI Library

    (Slides)   CopperSpice: A Pure C++ GUI Library


CppCon September 2017

    (Video)   Multithreading is the answer. What is the question? (part 1)

    (Video)   Multithreading is the answer. What is the question? (part 2)

CppNow May 2017

    (Video)   Multithreading Using Lockless Lists and RCU

    (Slides)   Multithreading Using Lockless Lists and RCU

CppNow May 2016

    (Video)   Multithreading is the answer. What is the question? (part 1)

    (Slides)   Multithreading is the answer. What is the question? (part 1)

    (Video)   Multithreading is the answer. What is the question? (part 2)

    (Slides)   Multithreading is the answer. What is the question? (part 2)


CppNow May 2016

    (Slides)   Documenting C++ Using the Right Tools

CppCon September 2015

    (Video)   Doxygen to DoxyPress: A Journey from C++98 to C++11

    (Slides)   Doxygen to DoxyPress: A Journey from C++98 to C++11

Lightning Talks

CppCon September 2015

    (Video)   Compile-Time Counter Using Template and Constexpr Magic

    (Slides)   Compile-Time Counter Using Template and Constexpr Magic