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CopperSpice API
The QDataStream allows you to serialize various data types. The table below lists the data types QDataStream can serialize.
It is always best to cast integers to a specific integer type such as qint16 or quint32 when reading and writing. This ensures the integer is a consistent size regardless of your platform or architecture.
bool | boolean |
qint8 | signed 8-bit integer |
qint16 | signed 16-bit integer |
qint32 | signed 32-bit integer |
qint64 | signed 64-bit integer |
quint8 | unsigned 8-bit integer |
quint16 | unsigned 16-bit integer |
quint32 | unsigned 32-bit integer |
quint64 | unsigned 64-bit integer |
float | IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number |
double | IEEE 754 64-bit floating point number |
const char * | string length (quint32), string bytes, excluding the terminating 0 |
QBitArray | array size (quint32), array bits |
QBrush | brush style (quint8), brush style (QColor), if style is CustomPattern the brush pixmap (QPixmap) |
QByteArray | array size (quint32) followed by the array data, or 0xFFFFFFFF if null |
QColor | color spec (qint8), alpha (quint16), red (quint16), green (quint16), blue (quint16), pad value (quint16) |
QCursor | shape ID (qint16), if shape is BitmapCursor the bitmap (QPixmap), mask (QPixmap), and hot spot (QPoint) |
QDate | julian day (quint32) |
QDateTime | date (QDate), time (QTime), Qt::TimeSpec (qint8) |
QEasingCurve | type (quint8), func (quint64), hasConfig (bool), if hasConfig is true the following three fields: period (double), amplitude (double), overshoot (double) |
QFont | family (QString), point size (qint16), style hint (quint8), char set (quint8), weight (quint8), font bits (quint8) |
QHash | number of items (quint32), the items of type Key and Value |
QIcon | number of pixmap entries (quint32), for each pixmap entry the following five fields: pixmap (QPixmap), file name (QString), pixmap size (QSize), QIcon::Mode (quint32), QIcon::State (quint32) |
QImage | if the image is null 0 (qint32), otherwise a 1 (qint32), the image in PNG or BMP format (depending on the stream version) |
QKeySequence | QList<int>, where each integer is a key in the key sequence |
QLinkedList | number of items (quint32), the items of type T |
QList | number of items (quint32), the items of type T |
QMap | number of items (quint32), the items of type Key and Value |
QMatrix | m11 (double), m12 (double), m21 (double), m22 (double), dx (double), dy (double) |
QMatrix4x4 | m11 (float), m12 (float), m13 (float), m14 (float), m21 (float), m22 (float), m23 (float), m24 (float), m31 (float), m32 (float), m33 (float), m34 (float), m41 (float), m42 (float), m43 (float), m44 (float) |
QMultiHash | number of items (quint32), the items of type Key and Value |
QMultiMap | number of items (quint32), the items of type Key and Value |
QPair | first (T1), second (T2) |
QPalette | disabled, active, and inactive color groups, each of which consists of the following: |
QPen | pen styles (quint8), pen width (quint16), pen color (QColor) |
QPicture | size of the picture data (quint32), raw bytes of picture data (char) |
QPixmap | save it as a PNG image |
QPoint | x coordinate (qint32), y coordinate (qint32) |
QQuaternion | scalar component (float), x coordinate (float), y coordinate (float), z coordinate (float) |
QRect | left (qint32), top (qint32), right (qint32), bottom (qint32) |
QRegularExpression | regular expression pattern (QString), pattern options (quint32) |
QRegion | size of the data [ 8 + 16 * (number of rectangles) ] (quint32), 10 (qint32), number of rectangles (quint32), rectangles in sequential order (QRect) |
QSize | width (qint32), height (qint32) |
QString | array size (quint32) followed by the array data, or 0xFFFFFFFF if null |
QString8 | array size (quint32) followed by the array data, or 0xFFFFFFFF if null |
QTime | milliseconds since midnight (quint32) |
QTransform | m11 (double), m12 (double), m13 (double), m21 (double), m22 (double), m23 (double), m31 (double), m32 (double), m33 (double) |
QUrl | holds a URL (QString) |
QVariant | type of the data (quint32), null flag (qint8), data of the specified type |
QVector2D | x coordinate (float), y coordinate (float) |
QVector3D | x coordinate (float), y coordinate (float), z coordinate (float) |
QVector4D | x coordinate (float), y coordinate (float), z coordinate (float), w coordinate (float) |
QVector | number of items (quint32), the items of type T |